Cluster Installation

  • Hi,

    I am trying to setup a windows cluster and install a 2 node 1 instance sql server failover cluster on it.

    I would like to know the node configurations like

    1) How much space I need to allocate for quorum drive?

    2) shared disk space depends on the database sizes.

    3) How much space we need to allocate on each node for windows server and sql server binaries?


    I am trying to setup it on a VM environment.


  • deep_kkumar (5/16/2012)

    1) How much space I need to allocate for quorum drive?


    deep_kkumar (5/16/2012)

    2) shared disk space depends on the database sizes.

    How much do you think you will need??

    Will you be using mount points?

    deep_kkumar (5/16/2012)

    3) How much space we need to allocate on each node for windows server and sql server binaries?


    I am trying to setup it on a VM environment.


    I assume your virtual machines will be Windows 2008?

    You'll want a 40gb c drive, you could also have a d drive but I personally don't bother.

    You'll want 2gb RAM for each node and 2 vCPUs.

    What spec is the host machine and which hypervisor are you using?

    See my complete 3 part guide starting at this link[/URL]


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks!!

    Our prod is a huge OLTP environment. We are trying to setup clustering on it.

    Can we setup cluster services on the standalone server without any downtime?

    Is it possible? If yes, how the windows cluster will be configured ?

  • This seems to have veered drastically from your original request. Your production servers are virtual machines are they?

    You could start by answering my questions and reading the link I posted 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Actually we are testing it on VM servers before doing it on PROD.

    I am not sure how to do this whole thing without downtime.

    I replicated the PROD environment on to the VM server.

  • I require more 2 TB of space for shared disk. We will be using SAN.

    Not sure of the mountpoints.

    Windows server 2008R2 is installed on the vm servers.

    Where to check the hypervision?

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