What is the use of 'internal' in SSRS

  • Hi,

    When ever we are using report parameters(SSRS),we find the 3 options

    1.visible parameter

    2.Hide parameter


    1 and 2 are we know very well but what is the use of 3 ?

  • I believe you cannot set an internal parameter with a drillthrough from another report, while you can set a hidden parameter in a drillthrough.

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  • sudha.kotapati (5/8/2012)


    When ever we are using report parameters(SSRS),we find the 3 options

    1.visible parameter

    2.Hide parameter


    1 and 2 are we know very well but what is the use of 3 ?

    Internal Parameters in SSRS are parameters that are not configurable by the end-user at run-time.

    You can find a good explanation to it HERE

    THIS might be helpful too.

    Vinu Vijayan

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