Blog Post

DBA in Space Spoof Interview and Review


imageIf you are a DBA in Space fan, and in case you missed them, there have been two items published on that you may be interested in reading.

The first is “Stars of the DBA in Space Webisodes Revealed”. This is a spoof interview where Miss Friday and I are interviewed by Bob Cramblitt, and we respond as our characters in DBA in Space. While Bob asked the questions, Nell Mooney (Miss Friday) and I provided the actual answers. As you read my responses, try to figure out which information I share is real, and which is fake. You might have a hard time figuring out which is which.

The other item is called “The DBA in Space Videos: A Film Critic Writes”, which is written under the pseudonym “Hugh Bin-Haad”. I won’t tell you who Hugh Bin-Haad is, but if you read Simple-Talk a lot, you will figure it out. While Hugh Bin-Haad put a lot of effort in analyzing the webisodes, I kind of think he missed the underlying symbolism the webisodes actually portrayed.

Both of these are fun pieces to read if you have some extra time to kill.


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