Blog Post

New Year New Job?


Are you 100% satisfied with your current job? Of course not!

When given serious consideration most people will agree that there are some things that they would like to be different or change in their current role.

The Christmas holiday season is a popular time for self reflection. The gift of time away from the office affords people the space to take their foot off the gas, to slow down a little and recharge. In doing so many take the opportunity to revaluate their priorities in life and look toward how they might wish to change things in the coming year.

Where are you right now?

Talk to any Data Professional and you will inevitably hear about just how busy we all are. That’s great, it means our skills and services are in demand. Just be careful not to fall into the trap of moving from one task to the next, without taking stock of the bigger picture every once in a while. I’ve talked about the dangers of this way of working before in The Best Database Administrators Automate Everything.

I want you to take a few moments today to have a serious think about where you are in your career right now.

  1. Are you happy with where you are now?
  2. Are you happy with where you are heading?

Only you can decide if you are happy or not with your current situation.

Maybe it’s time for a change

Should you decide that your current role is not where you want it to be right now, perhaps it is time for something new?

If so then congratulations! The very first step toward a new and rewarding role is accepting that you are not ok with where you are right now.

Don’t wait until the New Year!

If you wait until the New Year in order to take action to find that perfect role you will be in direct competition with a lot of other people, during one of the busiest times of the year for job searching. Why make life more difficult for yourself?

Popular opinion is that few companies hire new staff at this time of year. I can tell you on good authority, both from my own experience as a hiring manager and as a candidate, that this is a complete myth! Especially so in the market and profession that we are in. The holiday season and in particular the run up to it is one of busiest times of year for businesses. Naturally this is also one of the most vital times to have experienced data professionals on staff.

I have worked with many recruiters/agencies over the years (strangely enough I had a conversation with a recruiter just last week about this very phenomena) and we are all in agreement that contrary to popular opinion right now is in fact one of the best times of the year that you could be looking for a new opportunity.

If you are unhappy in your current job then what are you waiting for? Start searching for your new opportunity today!

More Career Posts for the Database Administrator

[Note: Do you have a job hunting, career or Professional Development question? Let me know about it!]


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