Script to send alert when jobs runs more than 24 hours

  • Can someone post the script which would send out an email notification if any job on a server runs longer than 24 hours?

  • I found this script when I entered your topic title into Google:

    Identifying Long Running SQL Server Agent Jobs

    Maybe you need to brush up your Google skills.

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • But, how do I implement this?

    Do I create job for this?

  • Since you'll have to run it periodically, I suppose a job is the preferred method.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • You can execute it every one hour and if found then send out an email

  • I am newbie on this. Do I just execute the stored procedure in sql job or whole script.

    If you can walk me through the process will really appreciate it.

  • pretea (1/31/2013)

    Do I just execute the stored procedure in sql job or whole script.


    better use "usp_long_running_jobs" SP in job as step.

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • Thanks.

    What I did was execute this function to create in msdb.

    CREATE function fn_hex_to_char (

    @x varbinary(100), -- binary hex value

    @l int -- number of bytes

    ) returns varchar(200)


    -- Written by: Gregory A. Larsen

    -- Date: May 25, 2004

    -- Description: This function will take any binary value and return

    -- the hex value as a character representation.

    -- In order to use this function you need to pass the

    -- binary hex value and the number of bytes you want to

    -- convert.


    declare @i varbinary(10)

    declare @digits char(16)

    set @digits = '0123456789ABCDEF'

    declare @s-2 varchar(100)

    declare @h varchar(100)

    declare @j-2 int

    set @j-2 = 0

    set @h = ''

    -- process all bytes

    while @j-2 < @l


    set @j-2= @j-2 + 1

    -- get first character of byte

    set @i = substring(cast(@x as varbinary(100)),@j,1)

    -- get the first character

    set @s-2 = cast(substring(@digits,@i%16+1,1) as char(1))

    -- shift over one character

    set @i = @i/16

    -- get the second character

    set @s-2 = cast(substring(@digits,@i%16+1,1) as char(1)) + @s-2

    -- build string of hex characters

    set @h = @h + @s-2




    Then, create stored proce in msdb.

    CREATE proc usp_long_running_jobs as

    -- Written by: Gregory A. Larsen

    -- Date: May 25, 2004

    -- Description: This stored procedure will detect long running jobs.

    -- A long running job is defined as a job that has

    -- been running over 6 hours. If it detects any long

    -- running job then an email is sent to the DBA's.


    -- Begin Section 1


    set nocount on

    declare @C char(1000)

    declare @cnt int

    -- Create table to hold job information

    create table #enum_job (

    Job_ID uniqueidentifier,

    Last_Run_Date int,

    Last_Run_Time int,

    Next_Run_Date int,

    Next_Run_Time int,

    Next_Run_Schedule_ID int,

    Requested_To_Run int,

    Request_Source int,

    Request_Source_ID varchar(100),

    Running int,

    Current_Step int,

    Current_Retry_Attempt int,

    State int



    -- Begin Section 2


    -- create a table to hold job_id and the job_id in hex character format

    create table ##jobs (job_id uniqueidentifier ,

    job_id_char varchar(100))

    -- Get a list of jobs

    insert into #enum_job

    execute master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1,

    'garbage' -- doesn't seem to matter what you put here


    -- Begin Section 3


    -- calculate the #jobs table with job_id's

    -- and their hex character representation

    insert into ##jobs

    select job_id, dba.dbo.fn_hex_to_char(job_id,16) from #enum_job


    -- Begin Section 4


    -- get a count or long running jobs

    select @cnt = count(*)

    from master.dbo.sysprocesses a

    join ##jobs b

    on substring(a.program_name,32,32)= b.job_id_char

    join msdb.dbo.sysjobs c on b.job_id = c.job_id

    -- check for jobs that have been running longer that 6 hours.

    where login_time < dateadd(hh,-6,getdate())


    -- Begin Section 5


    if @cnt > 0

    -- Here are the long running jobs

    exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail


    @subject='Jobs Running Over 6 hours',

    @query= 'select substring(,1,78)

    ''These jobs have been running longer than 6 hours''

    from master.dbo.sysprocesses a

    join ##jobs b

    on substring(a.program_name,32,32)= b.job_id_char

    join msdb.dbo.sysjobs c on b.job_id = c.job_id

    where login_time < dateadd(hh,-6,getdate())'

    drop table #enum_job

    drop table ##jobs


    Then created job like you said and did exec usp_long_running_jobs to run and made it to run every 7 hours so if any job is runnning more than 6 hours it should send notification right? But, it doesnt send me any email.

  • Ironically, you're working on the wrong problem. You should be working on making the job take less than 24 hours. Peel one potato at a time by finding just one slow part and fixing it. Find the next slow part and fix it. Repeat until the code takes minutes instead of hours. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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