Blog Post

SQL Family – an Update


At the beginning of the month, we had a Meme Monday on the topic of SQL Family.  I had a few things to say about the SQL community back then.  And now, I want to give a bit of an update on the topic that supports what I have already said.

The Story

Late last Wednesday I learned from my wife (I was at the time on the other side of the continent) that our two year old daughter needed to have “emergency” surgery on her nose.  My wife was understandably concerned.  I was a bit more freaked out than she was – and yes we were both really worried.

My daughter was having problems breathing and her nose and cheek were swollen.  My wife took her to the doctor suspecting that it may have been broken by a head-on collision with her older brother.  The doctors at the clinic referred her to specialists saying they felt surgery was necessary.  There was a white sliver poking through skin internally in the nostril.

By the next day when my wife had gone to the specialist (this visit was Wednesday and was the one that got us a bit more concerned) that sliver had gotten larger.  Add that my daughter was getting frequent nosebleeds and you may just have the picture now.  The specialist told my wife that they needed to operate Thursday morning and fix it.  The would have to slice this protrusion off and sew the nose.

The doctor tried to pull the white sliver from the nose and nothing moved.  This was kind of weird to me since they had called the sliver “cartilage.”  It also made the panic go up a bit more.

Thursday morning, I commented on twitter that my daughter was having the surgery.  Many thanks again to all of you that replied both publicly and privately.  This is what I mean about community.  I was trying to work but also trying be with my daughter in spirit.


After the surgery I got a text message from my sister in law about almonds.  I was confused by the text and decided to call back.  It happens that she was with my wife at the hospital and the almonds reference was in regards to the nose surgery.  It turns out that my daughter had sneezed while eating some almonds.  Some pieces (large and small) had traversed through that opening between nose and throat at the back of the mouth.  Those pieces became lodged in her nose.  One was too large to completely pass.  Some of the almond skin and cut into her skin and did have to be surgically removed.  In short, without surgery, none of it could have been removed.

That is quite the relief!  It is also something we can look back on and laugh about now – embarrassing as it may seem.

Again, thanks to all who expressed interest and concern.  It is very much appreciated.


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