Help Need in Query

  • Here Is My DDL

    Create Table #Tab1


    Fileid int,

    FileName Varchar(10),

    FileType varchar(10)



    insert into #Tab1 values(1,'A','txt'),











    --select * from #Tab1

    Select Fileid,FileName,FileType,COUNT(*) as [Count]

    From #Tab1

    Group By Fileid,FileName,FileType

    After executing the above query i am getting the count like number of txt files and number of pdf files

    group by fileid.

    What i want is for any fileid if the txt file was not existed that count should be return as zero in new row?

  • Cannot understand your question really.

    Could you please show exact expected outcome based on sample data provided in your post.

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  • in sample data exept fileid 6 remaining all have the filetype with txt so my output will be like below

    Fileid Filename FileType Count

    ----- ------- -------- -----

    1 A pdf1

    1 A txt2

    2 B txt1

    3 C txt2

    4 D pdf1

    4 D txt1

    5 E txt1

    6 F txt 0

    6 F pdf1

  • Try this query... it is suffixing the requirement, but I feel there has to be some other way out to accomplish this.

    SELECT D.FileId, D.filetype, COUNT(*)

    FROM #Tab1 D



    SELECT FileId, 'txt', 0

    FROM #Tab1 a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #Tab1 b where filetype = 'txt' and a.fileid = b.fileid)


  • After executing the above query i am getting the count like number of txt files and number of pdf files

    group by fileid.

    What i want is for any fileid if the txt file was not existed that count should be return as zero in new row?

    Actually I Can't Understand ur Request but im giving u Sample Solution ....

    Select Fileid,FileName,FileType,COUNT(*) as [Count]

    into #Temp

    From #Tab1

    Group By Fileid,FileName,FileType

    update #Temp

    set Count=0

    where FileType='txt'

    select * from #Temp

    Thanks & Regards


  • With out using Sub Queries is it possible to get the required output

  • Why would you care if the subquery produces the desired result?

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  • Ananth@Sql (5/24/2013)

    With out using Sub Queries is it possible to get the required output

    It is absolutely possible by using a left join. The question is why does is matter if you don't use a subselect? The NOT EXISTS would perform better.


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  • Sean Lange (5/24/2013)

    Ananth@Sql (5/24/2013)

    With out using Sub Queries is it possible to get the required output

    It is absolutely possible by using a left join. The question is why does is matter if you don't use a subselect? The NOT EXISTS would perform better.

    Do you mean by LEFT JOIN replacing NOT EXISTS?

    If so, it really depends. NOT EXISTS is not always faster (even so, we could expect it would)

    But anyway, it doesn't make much difference.

    I wonder why OP does worry about the sub query used here?

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
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  • Eugene Elutin (5/24/2013)

    Sean Lange (5/24/2013)

    Ananth@Sql (5/24/2013)

    With out using Sub Queries is it possible to get the required output

    It is absolutely possible by using a left join. The question is why does is matter if you don't use a subselect? The NOT EXISTS would perform better.

    Do you mean by LEFT JOIN replacing NOT EXISTS?

    If so, it really depends. NOT EXISTS is not always faster (even so, we could expect it would)

    But anyway, it doesn't make much difference.

    I wonder why OP does worry about the sub query used here?

    I did mean that way. You are correct it is not always faster but it would be most of the time. It is more code and I think harder to decipher.

    SELECT D.FileId, D.filetype, COUNT(*)

    FROM #Tab1 D



    SELECT a.FileID, 'txt', 0

    FROM #Tab1 a

    LEFT JOIN #Tab1 b ON a.fileid = b.fileid

    AND b.filetype = 'txt'



    The only reason I can speculate about needing to not use subqueries is maybe it was specified on the assignment. 😉


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  • ...

    I did mean that way. You are correct it is not always faster but it would be most of the time. It is more code and I think harder to decipher.


    The best way to see what's going on it's to have a look execution plans of both types of query.

    You will find that are almost identical, both will end up doing Left Join but of different type:

    "NOT EXISTS" would end up with Left Anti Semi Join and Left Join just simple Left Outer Join. Which one faster will depend on table structure and data.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • Eugene Elutin (5/24/2013)


    I did mean that way. You are correct it is not always faster but it would be most of the time. It is more code and I think harder to decipher.


    The best way to see what's going on it's to have a look execution plans of both types of query.

    You will find that are almost identical, both will end up doing Left Join but of different type:

    "NOT EXISTS" would end up with Left Anti Semi Join and Left Join just simple Left Outer Join. Which one faster will depend on table structure and data.

    Absolutely. Which brings us full circle. The OP should be asking the question, "Can this be done without subqueries, and which method will be faster?". That would of course lead us to getting actual structure and details about data size. Then we could help them find the best solution.

    Since none of that was posted I simply posted a version and said it would likely be slower. 😀


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  • With out using Sub Queries is it possible to get the required output

    Try This One...

    SELECT D.FileId, D.filetype, COUNT(*)

    FROM #Tab1 D



    SELECT max(FileId), 'txt', 0

    FROM #Tab1

    Order by D.FileId

    Thanks & Regards,


  • SELECT D.FileId, D.filetype, COUNT(*)

    FROM #Tab1 D



    SELECT max(FileId), 'txt', 0

    FROM #Tab1

    Order by D.FileId[/code]

    As per my understanding this is not what post required, your query will only return max(fileid) in the table (i.e currently it is 6), but in the rows increased it will be max of that, and what required is all fileid without having any filetype with 'txt'.

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