Blog Post

SQLInspire - Follow-up & Post Event Notes....




This blog entry is a short post-event follow-up for all our followers and attendees at the event! I will have a full blog and event summary in the coming days! 

Of course, I want to thank in short order, Andy Leonard, Brian Moran, Melissa Demsak (and her volunteers, Uday, Alec, Deborah), Michael Coles, and Matt Velic for a great team that put this fabulous event together with me. 

To our speakers, Thomas LaRock, Andrew Brust, Steve Jones, Michael Corey (and of course Brian and Michael) for some fine talks and great presentations that came from the experience, and the heart!  More on that next blog.  Thank you all for your time and being a part of this extraordinary event!

Thank you for our wonderful sponsors, Red Gate, Embarcadero, Confio & Microsoft!! And, special support by the NJ SQL User Group.

Thank you to the professional film crew who captured it all on video, and helped our speakers with our mikes, positioning and other technical to-dos.

{EDIT:} Oh, and also wanted to thank the little old security man at the desk, who let the film crew in and volunteer team to get things set up....

And last, but not least, many thanks to all of you who attended and stayed with us from beginning to end!  I appreciate ALL the wonderful comments about my talk, the other talks, and the event in general!  I'm glad to have been a part of this, and know you all enjoyed SQLInspire! 

The word I've been using all along to describe this event was echoed by many in this audience - UNIQUE.  Indeed, we set out to differentiate ourselves for the typical training events (like SQLSaturday, PASS, et al.).  Mission accomplished!

Alright, for those folks that I promised, here are the links and resources I referred to, and know this information will be helpful in researching and convincing your managers to consider implementing some form of work-from-home policy.

Top Ten Reasons To Telecommute:

The Telework Coalition - 

Telework Research Network/Telcommuting Statistics:

Telecommuting Careers (top 6) #2 Database Administrator -

Decision Tree for the Boss (Should you let your employees work-from-home) -

Home with the Kids - How to Propose Telecommuting:

The National No-Pants Network - <-- Really, just kidding, but there should be one! - not sure what this hits 🙂

Hope the above information is helpful!  Thank you again!  Please continue to follow me here, on LinkedIN, and Twitter: @Pearlknows



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