Top 2 On Child Table

  • I have two tables, one Master, one Detail. I'm trying to build a query to get the top 2 products by quantity but can't wrap my head around it.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    DECLARE @MasterTable TABLE


    MasterId int,

    Descript varchar(100)


    DECLARE @DetailTable TABLE


    DetailId int,

    DetailDescript varchar(100),

    ProductQty int,

    MasterId int


    INSERT INTO @MasterTable VALUES (1, 'Descript 1')

    INSERT INTO @MasterTable VALUES (2, 'Descript 2')

    INSERT INTO @DetailTable VALUES (1, 'Descript Detail 1', 35, 1)

    INSERT INTO @DetailTable VALUES (2, 'Descript Detail 2', 25, 1)

    INSERT INTO @DetailTable VALUES (3, 'Descript Detail 3', 15, 1)

    INSERT INTO @DetailTable VALUES (4, 'Descript Detail 4', 12, 2)

    INSERT INTO @DetailTable VALUES (5, 'Descript Detail 5', 43, 2)

    INSERT INTO @DetailTable VALUES (6, 'Descript Detail 6', 17, 2)

    SELECT * FROM @MasterTable mt

    INNER JOIN @DetailTable dt ON mt.MasterId = dt.MasterId

    It should return :

    MasterId DetailId ProductQty

    1 _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 35

    1 _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ 25

    2 _ _ _ _ 5 _ _ _ 43

    2 _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ _ 17


  • You can use the row_number() function. Here is one way of doing it:


    select MasterId, DetailId, ProductQty, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY MasterId ORDER BY ProductQty desc) as RowNum

    FROM @DetailTable)

    select MasterId, DetailId, ProductQty

    from MyCTE

    where RowNum <= 2

    order by MasterId, RowNum


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  • It works, thanks.

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