Select 2nd row only from table

  • how do i select the second row only from my table?

    my table name is #ProxyLog_count_2 and the column name i want is ClientUserName

    What would it look like?

  • What is the definition of that table?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • And what are you ordering by to determine the second row?

  • achen9291 (6/27/2012)

    how do i select the second row only from my table?

    my table name is #ProxyLog_count_2 and the column name i want is ClientUserName

    What would it look like?

    There is no such thing as "the second row of a table." Only the second row of an ordered set.

    CE - Microsoft

  • Select ClientUserName, DestHost, count(DestHost) counts from #ProxyLog_record

    where ClientUserName =(Select top 1 ClientUserName from #ProxyLog_count_2) Group by ClientUserName, DestHost order by counts desc

    I have to replace the bolded part with something that will get the 2nd row from the table. I guess it's order by counts? Sorry I'm new to sql.

  • achen9291 (6/27/2012)

    Select ClientUserName, DestHost, count(DestHost) counts from #ProxyLog_record

    where ClientUserName =(Select top 1 ClientUserName from #ProxyLog_count_2) Group by ClientUserName, DestHost order by counts desc

    I have to replace the bolded part with something that will get the 2nd row from the table. I guess it's order by counts? Sorry I'm new to sql.

    What are you ordering #ProxyLog_count_2 by to determine the 2nd row?

  • achen9291 (6/27/2012)

    Select ClientUserName, DestHost, count(DestHost) counts from #ProxyLog_record

    where ClientUserName =(Select top 1 ClientUserName from #ProxyLog_count_2) Group by ClientUserName, DestHost order by counts desc

    I have to replace the bolded part with something that will get the 2nd row from the table. I guess it's order by counts? Sorry I'm new to sql.

    Look at this and see if it helps you:

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(GROUP BY ClientUserName, DestHost ORDER BY counts DESC), ClientUserName, DestHost, counts

    FROM #proxyLog

    GROUP BY ClientUserName, DestHost

    I cannot test this as you have not provided DDL or sample data. Please look at the link in my signatire about how to post for the best response.

    CE - Microsoft

  • Oh, it would be ordered by counts desc

  • Like Jared said above, I can't test this without any sample data, but give this a try and see if it works. If not you can try to play with it to fit your needs or post sample data per the link in Jared's signature to get better help.

    ;with cte as


    Select ClientUserName, DestHost, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by count(DestHost) desc) rn

    from #ProxyLog_count_2

    Group by ClientUserName, DestHost


    select plr.ClientUserName, plr.DestHost, COUNT(plr.DestHost) counts

    from cte c

    join #ProxyLog_record plr on plr.ClientUserName = c.ClientUserName and plr.DestHost = c.DestHost

    where c.rn = 2

    Edit: You won't want a partition by in your over statement on the ROW_NUMBER().

  • Sorry I hope I can clarify better.

    #ProxyLog_count_2 is ordered by counts.

    there are 2 columns in proxylog_count_2, ClientUserName and counts. but i only want to display ClientUserName

    so i use this.

    Select top 2 ClientUserName from #ProxyLog_count_2

    then it will show 2 rows from ClientUserName. I want the 2nd data only to show. I'm not sure how to use RowNum.

    so when i get the code, i need to replace it into here, where the bolded part is.

    Select ClientUserName, DestHost, count(DestHost) counts from #ProxyLog_record

    where ClientUserName =(Select top 1 ClientUserName from #ProxyLog_count_2) Group by ClientUserName, DestHost order by counts desc

    does that help?

  • achen9291 (6/27/2012)

    Sorry I hope I can clarify better.

    #ProxyLog_count_2 is ordered by counts.

    there are 2 columns in proxylog_count_2, ClientUserName and counts. but i only want to display ClientUserName

    so i use this.

    Select top 2 ClientUserName from #ProxyLog_count_2

    then it will show 2 rows from ClientUserName. I want the 2nd data only to show. I'm not sure how to use RowNum.

    so when i get the code, i need to replace it into here, where the bolded part is.

    Select ClientUserName, DestHost, count(DestHost) counts from #ProxyLog_record

    where ClientUserName =(Select top 1 ClientUserName from #ProxyLog_count_2) Group by ClientUserName, DestHost order by counts desc

    does that help?

    Try this


    (SELECT ClientUserName,Counts, Row_number() Over(order by counts DESC) AS RN

    FROM #ProxyLog_count_2)

    SELECT ClientUserName FROM CTE WHERE RN = 2

    To post your question use below link

  • Hope this will help you

    SElect top 1 ClientUserName from (SELECT top 2 row_number() over(order by counts DESC) as ID

    FROM #ProxyLog_count_2

    GROUP BY ClientUserName)"metval"

    where metval.ID=2

  • select * from (

    select *,ROW_NUMBER()over (order by mark desc)rn from tablename) a where rn=3

  • Please loook into the below query

    select * from (

    select *,ROW_NUMBER()over (order by mark desc)rn from mark ) a where rn=3

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