Does SQL Server Managerment Studio 2008 R2 support a connection to a SQL Server 2000 database.

  • I am running SQL Server 2008 R2 on my local SBS 2011 server and I have legacy SQL Server 2000 databases running on a remote server.

    I am currently using Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer for access to the remote SQL Server 2000 databases.

    My question is does Microsoft support the connection of SSMS 2008 R2 to a SQL Server 2000 database and if so, does anyone know of any problems with doing this?



  • Yes you can, and I am not "aware" of any problems.

    CE - Microsoft

  • Jared:

    Thank you for your response to my question.

    Am I correct that in order to access the remote SQL Server 2000 databases I would perform the following steps:

    In SSMS Object Explorer


    Connect Object Explorer

    Enter the appropriate information.


  • hmbtx (6/20/2012)


    Thank you for your response to my question.

    Am I correct that in order to access the remote SQL Server 2000 databases I would perform the following steps:

    In SSMS Object Explorer


    Connect Object Explorer

    Enter the appropriate information.


    That's one way. I don't go to file-->connect object explorer. I just click on connect --> database engine in the object explorer window. However, they both do the same thing.

    CE - Microsoft

  • Jared:

    Thank you for taking the time to help on this.


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