Issue with link to report viewer

  • Hi community

    Has anyone ever experienced this before:

    I have placed a link to a report I created which looks like http://myserver/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fScelo%2fOn+Demand+Billing%2fTime&rs:Command=Render

    Now when users click on this click the browser opens with a blank page, if they close this blank page then the report shows. Sometimes the browser opens with two tabs, one a blank page and the other the actual report.

    What is causing this kind of behaivour and can it be fixed?

    Note: I also tried using a link to report manager with same results.

    Thank you.

  • You should provide (just to diagnose) other device related information with your URL request such as,


    Sets which page in the report to display. Any value that is greater than the number of pages in the report displays the last page. Any value that is less than 0 displays page 1 of the report. The default value of this parameter is 1.

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