PIVOTING on more than One Col. to get data in given format.

  • Dear All,

    Hi! I am searching a solution to PIVOT more than one column to get output in below mentioned format.

    I have a table which has data in following format: -

    QNo questionid QuestionName DisplayOrder For4andabove For3andbelow3 TotalCandidates Like DisLike Like DisLike Header1 Header2

    Q1 1 Clarity 1 3 2 5 60 40 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q2 2 Logistics 2 1 4 5 20 80 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q3 3 Fitness 3 1 4 5 20 80 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q4 4 Recommend 4 2 3 5 40 60 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q5 5 Cure 5 5 0 5 100 0 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q6 6 Improvement 6 1 4 5 20 80 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q7 7 Opinions 7 2 3 5 40 60 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q8 8 Reason 8 1 4 5 20 80 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q9 9 Quality 9 3 2 5 60 40 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q10 10 Best Friend 10 1 4 5 20 80 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q11 11 Meetings 11 1 4 5 20 80 Like DisLike H1 H2

    Q12 12 Learning 12 1 4 5 20 80 Like DisLike H1 H2


    I need this data in following format: -

    Label Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12

    Header1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12

    Header2 Clarity Logistics Fitness Recommend Cure Improvement Opinions Reason Quality Best Friend Meetings Learning

    Like 60% 20% 20% 40% 100% 20% 40% 20% 60% 20% 20% 20%

    DisLike 40% 80% 80% 60% 0% 80% 60% 80% 40% 80% 80% 80%

    How do I achieve the same without compromising in performance???

    I achieved the part of same by applying PIVOTING on ONE Column by following four queries: -

    --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>--

    DECLARE @Sql1 VARCHAR(MAX), @ColumnList1 VARCHAR(max)

    SELECT @ColumnList1 = COALESCE( @ColumnList1 + '], [' + convert (Varchar(max), QNo), convert (Varchar(max), QNo), @ColumnList1 )

    FROM testing

    set @ColumnList1 = '['+@ColumnList1+']'

    --select @ColumnList1

    if (@ColumnList1 is not null and @ColumnList1!= '' and @ColumnList1 not like '%[]%')


    SET @Sql1 = '

    select distinct * from (

    select Header1, ISNULL (QNo, '''') as QNo from testing ) as tab pivot (max(QNo) for QNo in (

    '+ @ColumnList1 + ')

    ) as pvt --order by Header1


    print @Sql1

    EXEC (@Sql1)


    --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>--

    --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>--

    DECLARE @Sql2 VARCHAR(MAX), @ColumnList2 VARCHAR(max)

    SELECT @ColumnList2 = COALESCE( @ColumnList2 + '], [' + convert (Varchar(max), QNo), convert (Varchar(max), QNo), @ColumnList2 )

    FROM testing

    set @ColumnList2 = '['+@ColumnList2+']'

    --select @ColumnList2

    if (@ColumnList2 is not null and @ColumnList2!= '' and @ColumnList2 not like '%[]%')


    SET @Sql2 = '

    select distinct * from (

    select Header2, QNo, ISNULL (QuestionName, '''') as QuestionName from testing ) as tab pivot (max(QuestionName) for QNo in (

    '+ @ColumnList2 + ')

    ) as pvt --order by Header2


    print @Sql2

    EXEC (@Sql2)


    --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>--

    --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>--

    DECLARE @Sql3 VARCHAR(MAX), @ColumnList3 VARCHAR(max)

    SELECT @ColumnList3 = COALESCE( @ColumnList3 + '], [' + convert (Varchar(max), QNo), convert (Varchar(max), QNo), @ColumnList3 )

    FROM testing

    set @ColumnList3 = '['+@ColumnList3+']'

    --select @ColumnList3

    if (@ColumnList3 is not null and @ColumnList3!= '' and @ColumnList3 not like '%[]%')


    SET @Sql3 = '

    select distinct * from (

    select Like, QNo, ISNULL (LikeP, 0) as LikeP from testing ) as tab pivot (max(LikeP) for QNo in (

    '+ @ColumnList3 + ')

    ) as pvt --order by Like


    print @Sql3

    EXEC (@Sql3)


    --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>--

    --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>--

    DECLARE @Sql4 VARCHAR(MAX), @ColumnList4 VARCHAR(max)

    SELECT @ColumnList4 = COALESCE( @ColumnList4 + '], [' + convert (Varchar(max), QNo), convert (Varchar(max), QNo), @ColumnList4 )

    FROM testing

    set @ColumnList4 = '['+@ColumnList4+']'

    --select @ColumnList4

    if (@ColumnList4 is not null and @ColumnList4!= '' and @ColumnList4 not like '%[]%')


    SET @Sql4 = '

    select distinct * from (

    select DisLike, QNo, ISNULL (DisLikeP, 0) as DisLikeP from testing ) as tab pivot (max(DisLikeP) for QNo in (

    '+ @ColumnList4 + ')

    ) as pvt --order by DisLike


    print @Sql4

    EXEC (@Sql4)


    --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>--

    How can I achieve the same? Is there more than one solution for such working & what is the best one to achieve the same??

    --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>--

    --<><>-- To populate this data in SQL you can use below CREATE TABLE & INSERT SCRIPTS --<><>--



    USE [TestingDB]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[testing] Script Date: 03/17/2012 21:28:57 ******/







    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[testing]') AND type in (N'U'))


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[testing](

    [QNo] [varchar](1001) NULL,

    [questionid] [int] NOT NULL,

    [QuestionName] [varchar](max) NOT NULL,

    [DisplayOrder] [int] NOT NULL,

    [For4andabove] [int] NULL,

    [For3andbelow3] [int] NULL,

    [TotalEmp] [int] NULL,

    [EngagedP] [decimal](10, 2) NULL,

    [DisengagedP] [decimal](11, 2) NULL,

    [Engaged] [varchar](7) NOT NULL,

    [DisEngaged] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [Header1] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,

    [Header2] [varchar](2) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]







    -- INSERT SCRIPTS to populate the data in above CREATED Table --

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q1', 1,N'Clarity', 1, 3, 2, 5, 60.00, 40.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q2', 2,N'Logistics', 2, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q3', 3,N'Fitness', 3, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q4', 4,N'Recommend', 4, 2, 3, 5, 40.00, 60.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q5', 5,N'Cure', 5, 5, 0, 5, 100.00, 0.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q6', 6,N'Improvement', 6, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q7', 7,N'Opinions', 7, 2, 3, 5, 40.00, 60.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q8', 8,N'Reason', 8, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q9', 9,N'Quality', 9, 3, 2, 5, 60.00, 40.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q10', 10,N'Best Friend', 10, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q11', 11,N'Meetings', 11, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q12', 12,N'Learning', 12, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );



    --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>-- --<><>--

    Thanks & Regards,


  • I had to fix some of the column names in your CREATE TABLE to match the columns referenced on the INSERTs and this may not do it the way you seem to prefer (i.e., using a PIVOT) but it does return the rowset you asked for:







    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[testing]') AND type in (N'U'))


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[testing](

    [QNo] [varchar](1001) NULL,

    [questionid] [int] NOT NULL,

    [QuestionName] [varchar](max) NOT NULL,

    [DisplayOrder] [int] NOT NULL,

    [For4andabove] [int] NULL,

    [For3andbelow3] [int] NULL,

    [TotalEmp] [int] NULL,

    [LikeP] [decimal](10, 2) NULL,

    [DislikeP] [decimal](11, 2) NULL,

    [Like] [varchar](7) NOT NULL,

    [Dislike] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [Header1] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,

    [Header2] [varchar](2) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]





    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q1', 1,N'Clarity', 1, 3, 2, 5, 60.00, 40.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q2', 2,N'Logistics', 2, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q3', 3,N'Fitness', 3, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q4', 4,N'Recommend', 4, 2, 3, 5, 40.00, 60.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q5', 5,N'Cure', 5, 5, 0, 5, 100.00, 0.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q6', 6,N'Improvement', 6, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q7', 7,N'Opinions', 7, 2, 3, 5, 40.00, 60.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q8', 8,N'Reason', 8, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q9', 9,N'Quality', 9, 3, 2, 5, 60.00, 40.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q10', 10,N'Best Friend', 10, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q11', 11,N'Meetings', 11, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );

    INSERT INTO [TESTING] ( [QNo], [questionid], [QuestionName], [DisplayOrder], [For4andabove], [For3andbelow3], [TotalEmp], [LikeP], [DisLikeP], [Like], [DisLike],

    [Header1], [Header2] ) VALUES ( N'Q12', 12,N'Learning', 12, 1, 4, 5, 20.00, 80.00,N'Like',N'DisLike',N'H1',N'H2' );



    ,@Header1 VARCHAR(MAX)

    ,@Header2 VARCHAR(MAX)

    ,@Like VARCHAR(MAX)

    ,@Dislike VARCHAR(MAX)

    SELECT @Label = COALESCE(@Label + ' ', '') + CAST(QNo AS varchar(5))

    ,@Header1 = COALESCE(@Header1 + ' ', '') + CAST(QNo AS varchar(5))

    ,@Header2 = COALESCE(@Header2 + ' ', '') + CAST(QuestionName AS varchar(MAX))

    ,@Like = COALESCE(@Like + '% ', '') + CAST([LikeP] AS varchar(10))

    ,@Dislike = COALESCE(@Dislike + '% ', '') + CAST(DislikeP AS varchar(10))


    SELECT 'Label ' + @Label As CombinedRows

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Header1 ' + @Header1

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Header2 ' + @Header2

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Like ' + REPLACE(@Like, '.00', '') + '%'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Dislike ' + REPLACE(@Dislike, '.00', '') + '%'


    Label Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12

    Header1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12

    Header2 Clarity Logistics Fitness Recommend Cure Improvement Opinions Reason Quality Best Friend Meetings Learning

    Like 60% 20% 20% 40% 100% 20% 40% 20% 60% 20% 20% 20%

    Dislike 40% 80% 80% 60% 0% 80% 60% 80% 40% 80% 80% 80%

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/St

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