Blog Post

No longer just an admin but a DB Astronaut : A poem.


Today we have a guest post from Phil Factor as Brad is on vacation.

‘ I used to fettle databases as a DBA

But now I am a little star above the Milky Way.

The five-hour flight to SQLPASS was once my longest trip,

But now I float in zero-G inside a rocket ship.

I look out of my porthole far above the human race,

The world laid out before me, I’m the DBA in space

My biggest thrill was making queries run as well I might

But now I hurtle into space, a low-earth satellite

And then forever afterwards I guess that I’ll be thought

No longer just an admin but a DB Astronaut

What better way could someone put a smile across their face

than blasting past the Karman line – the DBA in space.’

Phil Factor


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