Auditing SQL Server 2005 Standard Database on Insert Update and Delete operations

  • Hi

    I have doubt about data Auditing in SQL Server 2005 EE.

    Is SQL Server 2005 has any default data Auditing for DML Operations?

    Kindly Suggest me.

    --Ragu Thangavel

  • Some DDL yes, but nothing by default for DML. You would have had to have a Trace running to capture the DML activity.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I use auditing tables for capturing data changes. The auditing tables are updated via triggers whenever an insert or update occurs. The Inserted/Updated rows are copied from the base tabe to the audited tables. This will work for specific tables, but not something you would want to add accross a large number of tables.


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