Index on View with distinct values

  • I have made a view in SQL that retrieves the distinct values of ID numbers and Names from an archive table. I wanted to put an index on this view, but I'm thinking this just isn't possible. I checked out this blog: and re-wrote the view, but all the ways to create distinct values listed do not allow indexes on them if in a view. Unless I'm missing something. The view runs fine without an index, but I'd like to know for sure it's not possible before moving on. Thank you for any help.

  • You can create an index, however, there are a lot of conditions that need to be satisfied before you can do that. Some of them are:

    1. Underlying table and view must both be created with ANSI_NULLS and ANSI_PADDING on.

    2. View has to be created with schemabinding.

    3. You cannot use the keyword "distinct" in the view definition. You can use a group by clause with a Count_big operator(Wont accept a count operator).

    4. The first index on the view has to be a clustered, unique index so it can materialize the view.

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