Blog Post

2011 PASS Summit–Report #3


Friday morning keynote. Quick intro from Rick Heiges. Buck Woody and Rob Farley singing, quite the sight for Friday morning. Now a thank you for Wayne Synder, the outgoing Immediate Past President and for Rick Heiges, VP of Marketing, both leaving the Board of Directors this year.

Showing the logos of upcoming events. SQLRally Nordic is sold out. SQLSaturday logo looks good! Next Summit is Nov 6-9 here in Seattle, register now for $999. 2013 Summit is in Charlotte, I love that we can announce that, give people that long range view of events.

Nice brief intro today, now on to Dr. Dewitt. He’s talking about the challenge of doing better than he did last year, you can tell he feels the pressure to deliver. I like that! Wife attended last year, based on her comments has new glasses – great humor, you have to watch the recording of this one.

I didn’t take notes,too focused on listening to the presentation. This is what keynotes should be. 10 minutes or less of intro and house keeping,then a presentation that talks about things I care about, teaches me, challenges me. Dr Dewitt it the thought leader in the MS world about big data, we need to hear from him – I have to think there are a few others, find those and get them to us for next year.


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