• hi,

    By executing the below query, can see that the "BufferPoolMB" usage of each database.

    select db_name(database_id) as dbName, count(*)*8/1024 as BufferPoolMB

    from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors group by db_name(database_id)

    order by 2 desc

    There is a database which has a high percentage of empty space being stored in buffer pool memory. This database is storing ~18% of its total buffer pool memory as empty space. This memory is being wasted and servers no purpose. Low data density pages can cause performance problems and can be caused by wide data rows, page splits, etc.

    As further steps, what are the tasks can be performed to recommend ?


  • Sourav-657741 (6/6/2012)


    There is a database which has a high percentage of empty space being stored in buffer pool memory. This database is storing ~18% of its total buffer pool memory as empty space.


    What do you mean by "empty space being stored in buffer pool memory"?

    How did you find it? Could you post the query that you used to find it?

  • The query you've given doesn't give any detail on the 'empty space' you mention.

    How are you determining that the pages in the buffer are empty?

    The query given simply gives an aggregated storage cost of the current pages in the buffer pool.


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