Data file gets 'Stuck' the second time a report is run

  • I'm getting an odd problem on a report that I haven't seen before and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have a report that was running fine until yesterday. However, today it has mysteriously started hanging when I run it and it eventually bombs out with an "invalid attempt to read from reader when closed" (or words to the effect).

    I decided to watch the datafile being created to see if it was just pumping massive amounts of data but, actually, I'm seeing exactly opposite. It's getting up to somewhere between 2k and about 60k and then just stopping. It doesn't get any bigger no matter how long I wait.

    On a whim I tried deleting the existing datafile. It immediately ran fine. File grew to about 6000k and the report rendered fine. I change a parm, it hangs again. I click refresh, it hangs again.

    This pattern has been repeatable over about a dozen attempts. If I delete the data file the report runs fine. If the datafile already exists it starts to create a new one but then very quickly locks up.

    I've never seen anything like this before and don't know where to even start resolving this. Can anyone make any suggestions or point me in the right direction

  • To add a bit more info to this.... the file is the data file in question and we are running the reports from visual studio 2008 shell (BIDS). Network IO is strongly implicated as the server shows high waits for Network IO when these reports are running and when I run the same reports on the same site as the server, the report runs fine but slowly and the file grows Kb by agonising Kb. When we run the reports from remote sites (40, 240 and 400 miles away) they don't see the file grow and Visual studio crashes on them.

    I found this article and have asked our network expert to take a look but does anyone else have any experience of this?

    Could any recent Windows updates have affected things? All our workstations Visual Studio copies are patched to SP1 and hotfixed to KB945282 - version 9.0.30729.1 SP - is there a build list of patches for BIDS?

    All suggestions welcome.

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