How can I caliculate Number of times my job runs between any selected dattime

  • Hi I have a job which is runs every 6 hours a day.

    2:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 8:00 PM.

    For any give Datetime, I would like to calculate the the # of times my job ran. Please help me get the number.

    Declare @date1 datetime = '2012-12-04 10:20:17.327'

    Declare @date2 datetime = '2012-12-13 10:20:17.327'

  • Query sysjobhistory providing that it stores enough rows and doesnt purge, or tell your job to log the run time to an audit table then query that.

  • Thanks but. Me selecting from sysjobhistory will not work in my case.

    I just want to know if I give 2 dates, how many times does 2:00 , 8:00, 14:00 and 20:00 comes between the below datetimes.

    Declare @date1 datetime = '2012-12-04 10:20:17.327'

    Declare @date2 datetime = '2012-12-13 10:20:17.327'

  • DateDiff in hours then divide by 6 to get the result.

    select datediff(hh,@date1,@date2) / 6 = 36

    Was assuming that the "ran" ment in the past, which is where the sysjobhistory came in to place, instead of how many times should it run between the two dates.

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