Passing a table to a stored procedure as a parameter

  • Hello All,

    I have a series of reports, many of the reports have identical parameters lists. I am using the phrase 'parameters lists' here as a series of choices presented to a report user from which the user can make a selection. Yes or No, True or False, a list of countries, a list of cities.

    Right now the parameter list logic is embedded in a reports related stored procedure. This means duplicate logic/code.

    I'd like to create a master parameter procedure that consolidates all my parameters in one place. Then each of my report specific procedures can call the master procedure insuring consistent parameter functionality among all the reports.

    I can create a procedure.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.uspParameters

    @Parameter varchar(40)


    IF @Parameter = 'param1'


    SELECT 'True' AS ParameterValue


    SELECT 'False' AS ParameterValue


    I can execute this procedure like EXEC dbo.uspParameters 'param1'

    So far so good.

    Some of the parameters may have need additional parameters. Say the user selects a country and then wants to select a city in that country.

    I could alter the procedure

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.uspParameters

    @Parameter varchar(40),

    @Country varchar(40)


    IF @Parameter = 'param2'


    SELECT City FROM Cities WHERE Country = @Country


    EXEC dbo.uspParameters 'param1','Mexico'

    Could work but I would continually need to add parameters to my procedure breaking any existing calls to my procedure.

    My thought would be to pass a table variable to the procedure. Is this possible or advisable?

    The table structure could be somewhat EAV so I wouldn't have to change the structure as parameters are added.

    DECLARE @Parameters TABLE


    ParameterName varchar(40),

    ParameterType varchar(40),

    ParameterValue varchar(40)


    INSERT INTO @Parameters VALUES ('param1','Main','param1')

    INSERT INTO @Parameters VALUES ('param2','Main','param1')

    INSERT INTO @Parameters VALUES ('param2','Country','Mexico')

    SELECT * FROM @Parameters

    Then I would pass the table variable to my procedure, parse out and assign the parameters and call the relevant part of the master procedure and have the necessary parameters needed for that section.

    Anyone been down this road before....

  • I think I need a table valued parameter (TVP)

    --Declare the type



    Parameter varchar(40),

    ParameterType varchar(40),

    ParameterValue varchar(100)


    --Create a procedure that accepts a TVP

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.uspMasterParameters

    @TVP testType READONLY


    DECLARE @ParametersTVP AS testType

    DECLARE @Parameter varchar(40)

    DECLARE @ParameterType varchar(40)

    DECLARE @ParameterValue varchar(100)

    SET @Parameter = (SELECT Parameter FROM @ParametersTVP WHERE ParameterType = 'Main')

    PRINT @Parameter

    IF @Parameter = 'param1'


    SELECT 'True' AS ParameterValue


    SELECT 'False' AS ParameterValue


    --Populate the TVP and pass it to the procedure

    DECLARE @ParametersTVP AS testType

    INSERT INTO @ParametersTVP (Parameter,ParameterType,ParameterValue)

    SELECT 'param1','Main','param1'

    EXEC dbo.uspMasterParameters @ParametersTVP

    When I execute I expect to get true or false but no luck....

  • Your parameter is called @TVP but you are using the local variable instead in the code....

    @TVP testType READONLY


    DECLARE @ParametersTVP AS testType


    SET @Parameter = (SELECT Parameter FROM @ParametersTVP WHERE ParameterType = 'Main')


    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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  • Thank you mister.magoo

    Below is working code....

    I'll follow back up when/if i can get this working in my ssrs report.

    I'll create a datset set called cities in my report setting its source to

    DECLARE @ParametersTVP AS testType

    INSERT INTO @ParametersTVP (Parameter,ParameterType,ParameterValue)

    SELECT 'param2','Main','param1' UNION

    SELECT 'param2','Country',@Country --@Country will refer to a previously set parameter.

    EXEC dbo.uspMasterParameters @ParametersTVP

    I'll create a ssrs parameter called @Cities setting its source to the dataset cities.

    Ideally I'll have consolidated logic for ssrs parameter reuse.

    --sample data



    City varchar(20),

    Country varchar(20)


    INSERT INTO Cities

    SELECT 'Mexico City', 'Mexico' UNION

    SELECT 'Juarez', 'Mexico' UNION

    SELECT 'Vancouver', 'Canada'



    Parameter varchar(40),

    ParameterType varchar(40),

    ParameterValue varchar(100)


    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.uspMasterParameters

    @TVP testType READONLY


    DECLARE @ParametersTVP AS testType

    DECLARE @Parameter varchar(40)

    DECLARE @ParameterType varchar(40)

    DECLARE @ParameterValue varchar(100)

    SET @Parameter = (SELECT Parameter FROM @TVP WHERE ParameterType = 'Main')

    PRINT @Parameter

    IF @Parameter = 'param1'


    SELECT 'True' AS TrueFalse


    SELECT 'False' AS ParameterValue


    IF @Parameter = 'param2'

    DECLARE @Country varchar(20)

    SET @Country = (SELECT ParameterValue FROM @TVP WHERE ParameterType = 'Country')


    SELECT City FROM Cities WHERE Country = @Country


    DECLARE @ParametersTVP AS testType

    INSERT INTO @ParametersTVP (Parameter,ParameterType,ParameterValue)

    SELECT 'param1','Main','param1'

    EXEC dbo.uspMasterParameters @ParametersTVP

    DECLARE @ParametersTVP AS testType

    INSERT INTO @ParametersTVP (Parameter,ParameterType,ParameterValue)

    SELECT 'param2','Main','param1' UNION

    SELECT 'param2','Country','Mexico'

    EXEC dbo.uspMasterParameters @ParametersTVP

  • This works as expected. I can set the ssrs dataset query properties by declaring the table valued parameter, populating it with previously set ssrs parameters if needed, and then passing it to my master parameter procedure.

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