SQL Agent & Server Browser won't start - SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit w/ SP1

  • Hi -

    I have just completed a fresh install of SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit edition and SP1 onto Win Server 2008 R2. SQL Server IS, Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher and SQL Server start just fine with the name SQL Server service account (SQLDEV2008\sqladmindev).

    I am having issues getting the SQL Agent and SQL Server Browser started. For the Agent, I keep getting the message "The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion. Consult the event log or other applicable error logs for details." I have tried from both SSMS & the Config Mgr to start the service. The "Log On As" is set to a domain account that I created.

    For the Server Browser, the option to start the service is disabled from the Config Mgr and the "Log On As" is set to the Local Service.

    When I check the error logs (default location of C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\), there is nothing in there for the time that I tried to start up the Agent.

    I have no idea where to go from here and I haven't found anyone else with this exact issue. Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • The domain account that you are planning to use, does it have "Log on as Service" permission?


  • Check the windows application event logs as well. You might also consider running Process Monitor during the startup to get additional error info.

  • I ended up uninstalling (via Control Panel) and doing a complete reinstall on 3/13. I can now start all SQL services EXCEPT for the Agent. I am still getting the "The request Failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion" error.

    I checked the Windows Server Event Viewer and there isn't anything that is occurring when I try to start the Agent via Configuration Manager.

    I've also located the Agent logs (SQLAGENT.OUT) and it hasn't even been updated. In fact, the file was last modified on 3/8, which was a previous install of SQL Server 2008 R2. Shouldn't have the uninstall wiped out these files??

    I haven't moved any files and left all files in their default location.

    Anymore ideas, please? Thank you.

  • is this server 2008? did you check the machine.config security?


    Our sql server when they came from our tech group had machine.config locked to admin only, this needs to be all users read access or nothing will work. Also check the framework64 same path and check under the v4 and v3.5 not sure if there are any other machine.config file laying around, it's been a while.

    Make sure to also check DCOM settings I cant remember off hand what roles are needed. Just search for SQL Server DCOM settings. 2008 is so locked down out of the box they pretty much just start up it seems.

    some other thoughts....

    The AD account used for the Agent, was that info entered during the install? Can you log onto the sql server using the agent AD account? or just change the agent to run under the local system. will it start then?

    You may want to try process monitor set the login filter to the agent account user. and see what happens when you try to stat it.

    also that agent account needs local server access, normally that would be through the local users group. an inclusion of the AD DomainUsers or something similar that would include your agent AD account.

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