For every date in one table find the financial period in another table - struggling to find an answer

  • I have searched the web and struggling to find the right answer to this. I think it is simple but it is alluding me.

    We have one table with data which includes a date field say table a. In our financial baseperiods table we have a Period, Status, StartDate and EndDate - say table b

    I need a query that for each record in table a it appends the relevant period value and status value based on the date being between the start date and end date. I have been able to put it together to get the period but cannot get the second column. Here is what returns the period but I also need the status.

    Select q.OrderDate, q.Period

    FROM (SELECT OrderDate,

    (SELECT Period From CanonDW.dbo.vw_base_Periods WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN StartDate and EndDATE) as Period

    FROM Mpack.dbo.SalesOrders

    WHERE OrderDate Is Not Null)q

    WHere q.Period is not null

    Thanks for your help.:-)

  • Hi and welcome to SSC. Since you are new around here you probably have not had a chance to see the article about best practices when posting questions. You can find it behind the first link in my signature. Basically we need to see ddl (create table scripts), sample data (insert statements) and desired output based on your sample data. It does take some effort to put this together but you will be rewarded with quick responses that are tested, accurate and fast.


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Thanks for the heads up, I will work through the details

  • I made some this what you were trying to do?

    Some sample data.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SalesOrders') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #SalesOrders

    CREATE TABLE #SalesOrders (


    [OrderDate] DATETIME NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (OrderID))

    INSERT INTO #SalesOrders

    SELECT '2012-02-03' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-03-03' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-03-22' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-04-08' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-04-18' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-04-30'

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#BasePeriods') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #BasePeriods

    CREATE TABLE #BasePeriods (


    [StartDate] DATETIME NULL,

    [EndDate] DATETIME NULL,

    [StatusID] INT NULL,


    INSERT INTO #BasePeriods

    SELECT '2012-02-01','2012-02-15',1 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-02-16','2012-02-28',2 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-03-01','2012-03-15',1 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-03-16','2012-03-31',2 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-04-01','2012-04-15',1 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-04-16','2012-04-30',2

    SELECT * FROM #SalesOrders

    SELECT * FROM #BasePeriods

    Then find the row in the BasePeriod table for each SalesOrder OrderDate. I've done some date conversions to ignore the time part of the date so the BETWEEN operator will return reliable results.



    ,CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(8),so.OrderDate,112) AS DATE) AS OrderDate

    ,bp.ID AS Period

    ,CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(8),bp.StartDate,112) AS DATE) AS StartDate

    ,CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(8),bp.EndDate,112) AS DATE) AS EndDate



    #SalesOrders AS so


    #BasePeriods AS bp


    CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(8),so.OrderDate,112) AS DATE)


    CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(8),StartDate,112) AS DATE)


  • Steven thanks for that it is similar to what i have ended up with. Now all I have to do is work out how to mark this as closed

    Select OrderDate, q.Period, b.Status

    FROM (SELECT OrderDate,

    (SELECT Period From DW.dbo.vw_base_Periods WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN StartDate and EndDATE) as Period

    FROM Mpack.dbo.SalesOrders

    WHERE OrderDate Is Not Null)q

    Inner JOIN DW.dbo.vw_base_Periods b ON q.Period = b.Period

    WHere q.Period is not null

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