Query XML

  • I'm wanting to query an XML site, which is really just an RSS feed. I want to be able to put the data into my database. The site that I'm looking at is:


    Is there anyway to query that site and insert it into a table in my database?



  • I tried this:

    SELECT *

    INTO #tmpxml


    BULK 'http://ww2.tdot.state.tn.us/tsw/GeoRSS/TDOTConstructionGeorss.xml',


    But that didn't seem to work.

  • You're not going to be able to query a URL directly from within a query. At very least you'd need to save the current RSS feed locally and THEN import it bulk.

    Assuming you did that, you could use something like this to get at the contents:


    XMLNAMESPACES ('http://www.tdot.state.tn.us/tdotsmartway/' as tsw,

    'http://www.georss.org/georss' as georss,

    'http://www.opengis.net/gml' as gml)

    select c.value('(./title/text())[1]', 'varchar(500)')

    from (Select cast(bulkColumn AS XML) g from #tmpxml) h cross apply g.nodes('/rss/channel/item') v(c)

    Otherwise you're likely looking at using SQLCLR to do this, or some external code to read from the site, and then import the XML (could use SSIS as well).

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  • OPENROWSET does not have HTTP resolution capabilities. OPENROWSET requires the file be available at some disk location, either local drive or UNC path, so you'll need to download the XML and store in a file to use it.

    An alternative is to implement a SQLCLR object. C# allows us to connect to a remote site over HTTP to download XML. C# cal also be used to add the XML directly to the database without storing it as a file on disk first.

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