Blog Post

MVP Deep Dives 2 – Pre-Order



Every couple days, I’ve been checking for it and finally tonight I saw that the upcoming edition of SQL Server MVP Deep Dives has been listed on Amazon.comNo image for the new book yet, so I grabbed the old cover art.  UPDATE: Found cover art.

This isn’t an update to the previous edition of SQL Server MVP Deep Dives.  This is a completely new book with content from more than 50 SQL Server MVPs.  Each MVP talking about areas of SQL Server that they are passionate about.

I chose to write about querying the plan cache.  While working on the book, I had an opportunity to tech edit a few of the chapters.  From what I have already read, I am looking forward to reading the rest.  I recommend checking out this book and maybe pre-ordering it.  Or you could do one better and pick it up from Manning and possibly get a couple chapters before the book hits the shelves.

One final, and important, note about the book.  All of the royalties for the book will be donated to charity.  None of the authors were compensated for the book – it’s all for charity.  As Aaron Bertrand (Blog | @AaronBertrand) posted a while back, the proceeds will be going to Operation Smile.

Related posts:

  1. Chapter Review – MVP Deep Dive Chapter 11
  2. Book Status #1: Indexing for Performance
  3. Where’s StrateSQL?


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