Database mirroring event alerts don't fire

  • We have three servers set up, two with two instances of SQL2012 Enterprise running.

    Databases on Server1\instance 1 are mirrored to Server 2\Instance 2 and databases on Server 2\Instance 1 are mirrored to Server 1\Instance 2 with server 3 as the witness server.

    The mirroring is working fine - one of the servers crashed and rebooted the other day and the databases failed over automatically without problems, but the alerts I have set up on the servers to inform me of the failovers do not seem to fire.

    I have set up the alerts as shown here:

    The Alert Type is WMI event alert and the query in the alert is as follows:


    This, as far as I know, should trigger the alert on manual or automatic failover, but the history on the alert shows that it has never fired.

    I have set up test databases, mirrored them and then failed them over, but not alert. Other alerts are firing correctly

    Anybody any idea where I shoudl be looking?

  • Can't help much from here but I can tell that I used Event Notification at a previous employer when I setup database mirroring on SQL Server 2008. The event notification also enabled/disabled backup jobs and other scheduled processes on each of the servers.

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