SQL about select records that has max count

  • I have a query that wants to make a default orgUnitID to a Orgization.

    Basically I check to see which Orgnization has the most count more OrgUnitId, then I will make that orgunitID as default orgunit ID for the Org.

    I made a cte table first:

    WITH cte AS (


    LEFT(pcc.CostCenter,2) AS org

    ,COUNT(orgUnitID)AS countOrgUnitID


    FROm [dbo].[SAP_BasePositionCostCenter] pcc

    JOIN .[dbo].[SAP_posPosition] pp

    ON pcc.PositionNumber=pp.PositionNumber

    GROUP BY LEFT(CostCenter,2), orgUnitID


    Next I would like to only select Org, OrgUnitID, that has Max(countOrgUnitID),

    but I cannot make it right,

    any help would be appreciated.

  • sqlfriends (1/19/2012)

    I have a query that wants to make a default orgUnitID to a Orgization.

    Basically I check to see which Orgnization has the most count more OrgUnitId, then I will make that orgunitID as default orgunit ID for the Org.

    I made a cte table first:

    WITH cte AS (


    LEFT(pcc.CostCenter,2) AS org

    ,COUNT(orgUnitID)AS countOrgUnitID


    FROm [dbo].[SAP_BasePositionCostCenter] pcc

    JOIN .[dbo].[SAP_posPosition] pp

    ON pcc.PositionNumber=pp.PositionNumber

    GROUP BY LEFT(CostCenter,2), orgUnitID


    Next I would like to only select Org, OrgUnitID, that has Max(countOrgUnitID),

    but I cannot make it right,

    any help would be appreciated.

    select top 1 Org, OrgUnitID, countOrgUnitID from cte order by countOrgUnitID desc

    But you may have more than one record with the maximum value:)

  • This is not working,

    I want to return Org, orgUnitID that has the max count of orgUnitID

  • think you have been around here long enough to know that some table scripts / data and expected results will assist all of us 🙂

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

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