Blog Post

BI Battle Royale–Adam beats up a Hippie


Weekday Lunch RAW!


Welcome to the Smack-down ladies and gentleman. I couldn?t believe it when Brian walked into my office the other day and threw down this challenge. He actually thinks he can use one of his tired old webinar topics and get more attendees to show up for his session that I can.

I told him not to, I pleaded for him not to make me embarrass him, but he?s got this stubborn streak in him so I?m going to have to put him in his place by busing out some new sessions that are sure to rock his face off ? like this:

Brian Knight is taking a break from his WNBA mega fan/tryout tour to give even more time to the community so He and I are competing this month to see who can win this ?gentlemen?s? bet?.You decide who wins our inside bet (and subsequent lunch at a restaurant where Brian will have to wear real shoes and pants with a belt) by simply attending one of our educational webinars. Each webinar caps at the first 1,000 attendees so first come first serve.

But It?s not just about us ? Check out the rest of the all-star lineup and great sessions we have coming.


See Brian?s side of the story here?.



Speaker: Adam Jorgensen
Topic: Reporting Services ? Bringing Sexy Back! 
Date: September 13, 2011 11:00 a.m. EDT

Crazy Awesome Reporting Visualizations are all the rage so come join Adam as he shows you how to design some of the coolest report visualizations you?ve ever seen. This includes cool new chart types, cube browsers and other awesome stuff! Come blow your reporting mind!


Speaker: Adam Jorgensen 
Topic: SQL Server Denali ? What?s in the box? 
Date: September 15, 2011 11:00 a.m. EDT

Come join Adam and an all-star cast of community pros as they show, review and discuss the newest and coolest features of SQL Server Denali! This will be an awesome action packed hour and will have all your favorite speakers as a part of it!


Register Here

Speaker: Arie Jones 
Topic: Swan Dive into Filtered Indexes and Filtered Statistics
Date: September 1, 2011, 11:00 a.m. EDT

SQL Server 2008 comes with some incredibly handy new indexes and statistics that you could leverage in order to boost performance of your systems. Unfortunately, with new technology also comes possible new hazards that need to be taken into account before making the big plunge. Join me in this session to dive headlong into Filtered Indexes and Statistics to show you the ins and outs of these incredibly powerful features and help you navigate around issues that may hinder smooth implementation.


Speaker: Brian Knight 
Topic: What?s New in SSIS Denali Date: September 6, 2011 11:00 a.m. EDT

In this session, you?ll go through a whirlwind tour of what?s new in SSIS for you as a developer and administrator. You?ll first learn about the new designer experience and the death of configuration files in Denali. You?ll then learn how to deploy and administer packages in Denali. This release is going to be huge and you will not want to miss this session about the differences.

Speaker: Brian Knight 
Topic: Building Amazing Reports with Project Crescent 
Date: September 8, 2011, 11:00a.m. EDT

In this session, you?ll learn how to create an environment where your users can build their own interactive reports. Speaker Brian Knight will start by building a tabular Semantic in SSAS for your users to easily navigate the data model and data. Then, your learn how your users will build amazing interactive web-based reports using Crescent, SQL Server?s most exciting new feature in Denali.

Speaker: Bradley Schacht

Topic: SSIS Variables and Expression 
Date: September 20, 2011 11:00 a.m. EDT

Building a dynamic SSIS package can be a daunting task.There are countless locations where expressions and variables can be used throughout SSIS.In this session Brad will walk you through the basics of variables including how SSIS deals with variable scoping.We will then take a look the unique expression language used in SSIS and how that can help in situations such as dynamic file names, connection strings and data cleansing.Next we will bring it all together and show how powerful SSIS can truly be by combing the functionality of variables and expressions.Topics will include user variables, system variables, the expression language, as well as where to use expressions and variables in the control flow, data flow and even event handlers to build a useful custom auditing solution.

Speaker: Arie Jones 
Topic: Working Smarter Not Harder! Silverlight with Caliburn.Micro Date: September 22, 2011 11:00 a.m. EDT

As a developer one of my personal joys is discovering tools which simplify some of the mundane programming tasks and allow me to concentrate on the more intricate details of the application. Caliburn.Micro is a free open source framework developed by Rob Eisenberg that uses a Convention over Configuration approach to vastly simplify the types of mundane tasks that we would normally do in a typical Silverlight MVVM implementation. Come and join me in this session to learn the ins and outs of the framework and how to leverage it in order to drastically reduce your development timeline. I will be using minimal slides and lots of sample code in order to get you up to speed!

Speaker: Mark Brown 
Topic: Introduction to the Repository Design Pattern and using it in MVC 3 
Date: September 27, 2011 11:00 a.m. EDT

In this session, we will provide an introduction to the repository design pattern, what benefits it brings, and how to apply it in an MVC 3 project. We will look at using the pattern with custom classes and Linq to Sql generated classes. We will also look at refactoring the auto generated entity framework code from the controller into the repository pattern.

Speaker: Sherri McDonald 
Topic: ?What not to Wear? Reporting Services Style
Date: September 29, 2011 11:00 a.m. EDT

In this session, Sherri McDonald will discuss some of the WORST practices of Reporting Services Designs. Please join us for a 1 hour interactive webinar where your reports will go from leopard spandex print to Louis Vuitton.

Register Here


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