Possible to list Tables SP with Roles and Permissions

  • Hi all,

    Is it possible to list out all the tables/SP in a database and if a role has a GRANT on it what it allows...

    I cant find a sys view that shows what permissions a role has been given to a table or object..



  • n00bDBA (10/26/2012)

    Hi all,

    Is it possible to list out all the tables/SP in a database and if a role has a GRANT on it what it allows...

    I cant find a sys view that shows what permissions a role has been given to a table or object..



    This should get you started

    SELECT CASE dbpe.[state] WHEN 'W' THEN 'GRANT'

    ELSE dbpe.state_desc COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

    END AS [state_desc]

    , dbpe.permission_name COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AS perm_name

    , sch.name AS sch_name

    , OBJECT_NAME(dbpe.major_id) AS TheObject

    , dbpr.name AS DBUsername

    , CASE dbpe.[state] WHEN 'W' THEN '] WITH GRANT OPTION'

    ELSE '' END AS withgrant

    FROM sys.database_permissions dbpe INNER JOIN sys.database_principals dbpr

    ON dbpr.principal_id = dbpe.grantee_principal_id

    INNER JOIN sys.objects obj ON dbpe.major_id = obj.object_id

    INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON obj.schema_id = sch.schema_id

    WHERE obj.type NOT IN ('IT','S','X')

    ORDER BY dbpr.name, obj.name


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thank you sir,

    Id managed to get this far! yours is a lot better!!!


    p.permission_name ,

    p.state_desc ,



    FROM sys.database_permissions AS p

    JOIN sys.objects AS o

    ON p.major_id = o.object_id

    ORDER BY type_desc , o.name, permission_name

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