Suspended process in msdb database

  • Hello gents

    I have right now a suspended spid 53 at msdb which is in suspended status for over 2 hours. Seen from sp_who2, the 'cmd' it is doing is 'delete' and the login behind this process is "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" from program name "Microsoft Windows Operating System".

    In addition, lastwaittype is BROKER_RECEIVE_WAITFOR and I ran dbcc opentran in msdb and it returns:

    Oldest active transaction:

    spid: 53

    UID: -1

    Name: receiving msg

    Start time: <the time i ran "dbcc opentran">

    Any ideas where else I should look at?

    Thanks in advance!


  • you have Database Mail configured?

    if yes,then might be automatic cleanup proccess going for DB Mail is going on

    run dbcc inputbuffer (spid)

    संकेत कोकणे

  • yes, this instance has email profile configured.

    And this is the output of DBCC inputbuffer


    Language Event0WAITFOR (RECEIVE message_body FROM WMIEventProviderNotificationQueue), TIMEOUT 5000


  • Although this is an old thread, but I am encountering the same problem again today.

    Eventinfo "WAITFOR (RECEIVE message_body FROM WMIEventProviderNotificationQueue), TIMEOUT 5000" from spid 51 in msdb dabase is executing 'DELETE' cmd in a 'suspended' status.

    Plus, all logshipping restore jobs on this box are delayed.


  • Were you able to find the source of this issue? I am seeing the same exact scenario on a few of my servers. No performance issues that I can tell though, just want to know where that suspended process is coming from.

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