compare case sensitive and case in-sensitive values in Lookup transformation

  • I have Source and Dest tables

    table :source Table : Dest


    Col Col


    AA aa

    Bab BAb

    by default SSIS is Case Sensitive and my Database settings are Case in-sensitive

    When i Do a lookup on Col

    in this case, lookpup in SSIS treating both values 'AA' and 'aa' as same ....

    but i have to treat it as different values, which we can visually see it should i achieve this ?

    I can achieve this by "Binary_CheckSum",but many blogs says that not 100% assured...

    MSDN : "BINARY_CHECKSUM(*) will return a different value for most, but not all, changes to the row, and can be used to detect most row modifications."

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  • Thank You Very much.......:-)

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