Today Paul was speaking about Database Mirroring and Jonathan was talking about Failover
Clustering – all in all a very intensive day J
Module 6: Database Mirroring
- Split Brain is possible
- When you loose the witness, Database Mirroring goes into the asynchronous mode
- No automatic failover possible
- Witness should be also put in the same data center as the principal
- Mirror can't be backed-up, because it's in the Restoring state
- You also have to think of your maintenance workload
- Like Index Rebuilds, they have to be send also across the wire
- Solution
- Partition your large Index (like 1 TB)
- ALTER INDEX REBUILD on a single partition
- Switch maybe to asynchronous mirroring during the REBUILD phase
- Synchronous Mirring
- Transaction Log Record must be flushed out to the disk on the mirror, before the transaction
is comitted
- The transaction must not be replayed, before the transaction is comitted on the
- Therefore we have the REDO queue on the Mirror
- Redoing is run constantly on the mirror asynchronously in the background
- Undone is never done on the Mirroring, only when the Mirror becomes the Principal
- Transaction Log Record must be flushed out to the disk on the mirror, before the transaction
- You monitor the
- SEND queue - should be also monitored in synchronous mode (SEND queue > 0 KB)
- REDO queue
- Mirror can be only goes online, when the REDO queue is 0
- Can impact the time how long it takes until the Mirror becomes the Principal in a
- Pausing/Suspended
- When you have really big transactions like Bulk Loadings
- Local Cluster Failover
- Partner Timeout must be set higher than 10 pings
- Partner Timeout must be higher than the Local Cluster Failover time needed
- Failure Detection
- Inside of SQL Server
- Outside of SQL Server
- Mirroring a large number of databases
- Rolling Upgrades with Database Mirroring
- Database Mirroring & Log Shipping
- Database Mirroring & Replication
- Trace Flag 1462 disables Log Stream Compression
- Turn it on, when you don't get any benefit from Log Stream Compression
- Log Stream Compression is on by default
- Log Compression is also available on Standard Edition of SQL Server
- Use Alerts to enable/disable Log Backup Jobs on Old Principal/New Principal
- Automatic Page Repair is available on SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition
Module 7: Failover Clustering
- Preferred owner configuration defines on which node a SQL Server can run
- Cluster Validation Tests offline the shared cluster disks
- You have to plan offline time
- You need a current Cluster Validation Test Report for Microsoft Product Support
Services to get help
- Rerun Validation Tests, as soon as you add a new node to the cluster
- Only the active nodes have to be licensed
- The node with the most CPUs defines how many CPUs you have to license when you use
a CPU based license
- The node with the most CPUs defines how many CPUs you have to license when you use
- You need on odd numbe of votes to form a Quorum
- Not enable Large Pages, when 2 instances can be run on one node
- The whole buffer pool must be allocated during startup phase of SQL Server
- SCSI-3 Persistent Reserveration must be enabled on the LUN level in the SAN
- It's normally not enabled by default
- It's needed for the shared disks in the cluster
- TempDb is currently not supported on a local disk in a cluster
- SQL Server Denali will support it
- You can't use currently SSDs als local disk for TempDb
- Network Binding Order must be set with multiple NICs
- MSDTC is only needed, when you need distributed transactions
- MSDTC is installed as a cluster resource
- MSDTC disk could be mounted on another cluster node
- MSDTC should be in the same resource group als SQL Server
- MSDTC can fail together with SQL Server
- Otherwise MSDTC could get a bottleneck
- You can have a separate MSDTC instance per SQL Server instance
- Slipstreaming
- Failback
- Should be only configured, when the new failover node has less resources as the old
- Otherwise a failback occurs automatically as soon as the old node gets online
- Should be only configured, when the new failover node has less resources as the old
- You need Disk Dependencies if you're using Mount Points
- Virtualization doesn't provide you High Availability during Patching
- Rolling Patches/Upgrades
- Go to the SQL Server Instance Properties inside Cluster Manager (for each SQL Server
- Advanced Policies Tab
- Remove the Possible Owner who you are currently patching
- The Instance is taken offline/online during Patching, therefore those steps are
needed to be done
- Patching node must be removed from the possible owners
- After one instance is patched
- Fail over to the patched instance, after allow it as a possible owner
- Remove possible owner from the unpatched instance
- Patch the unpatched instance
- Go to the SQL Server Instance Properties inside Cluster Manager (for each SQL Server
Thanks for reading