stored Procedures

  • I could really use some help with this!

    Create a stored procedure named spBalanceRange that accepts three optional parameters. The procedure returns a result set consisting of VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and Balance for each invoice with a balance due, sorted with largest balance due first. The parameter @VendorVar is a mask that's used with a LIKE operator to filter by vendor name. @BalanceMin and @BalanceMax are parameters used to specify the requested range of balances due. If called with no parameters, the procedure should return all invoices with a balance due.

    I am using SQL server 2008, here is what I have so far.

    Create Proc spBalanceRange

    @VendorVar VarChar(40) = '%',

    @BalanceMin money = null,

    @BalanceMax money = null


    IF @BalanceMin IS Null

    Select @BalanceMin = Min(InvoiceTotal )

    From Invoices

    Select @BalanceMax = Max(InvoiceTotal )

    From Invoices Join Vendors

    On Invoices.VendorID = Vendors.VendorID

    Where (InvoiceTotal >= @BalanceMin) AND

    (Vendorname Like @VendorVar)

  • Hi

    Please can you post DDL, sample data and expected outcomes so that we can help you out further.

    The second link in my signature will help if you get stuck.


  • joshphillips7145 (8/4/2012)

    I could really use some help with this!

    Create a stored procedure named spBalanceRange that accepts three optional parameters. The procedure returns a result set consisting of VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and Balance for each invoice with a balance due, sorted with largest balance due first. The parameter @VendorVar is a mask that's used with a LIKE operator to filter by vendor name. @BalanceMin and @BalanceMax are parameters used to specify the requested range of balances due. If called with no parameters, the procedure should return all invoices with a balance due.

    I am using SQL server 2008, here is what I have so far.

    Create Proc spBalanceRange

    @VendorVar VarChar(40) = '%',

    @BalanceMin money = null,

    @BalanceMax money = null


    IF @BalanceMin IS Null

    Select @BalanceMin = Min(InvoiceTotal )

    From Invoices

    Select @BalanceMax = Max(InvoiceTotal )

    From Invoices Join Vendors

    On Invoices.VendorID = Vendors.VendorID

    Where (InvoiceTotal >= @BalanceMin) AND

    (Vendorname Like @VendorVar)

    Remove the vendorname like from the filter it will select all the records for the vendor.

    Select @BalanceMax = Max(InvoiceTotal )

    From Invoices Join Vendors

    On Invoices.VendorID = Vendors.VendorID

    Where (InvoiceTotal >= @BalanceMin) AND

    Hope this helps you.

  • duplicate post, and from other posts comments seems like homework.

  • Hi

    You could use sp_executesql like this:

    Test data:


    -- Set up test data:


    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Vendors') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.Vendors;

    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Invoices') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.Invoices;

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Vendors


    VendorID Int,

    VendorName nvarchar(30)


    CREATE TABLE dbo.Invoices


    VendorID Int,

    InvoiceNumber Int,

    InvoiceTotal Decimal(10,2)


    INSERT INTO dbo.Vendors VALUES (1, 'First Vendor');

    INSERT INTO dbo.Vendors VALUES (2, 'Second Vendor');

    INSERT INTO dbo.Vendors VALUES (3, 'Third Vendor');

    INSERT INTO dbo.Invoices VALUES (1, 101, 330.25);

    INSERT INTO dbo.Invoices VALUES (1, 102, 100.00);

    INSERT INTO dbo.Invoices VALUES (1, 103, 215.40);

    INSERT INTO dbo.Invoices VALUES (3, 104, 33.17);

    INSERT INTO dbo.Invoices VALUES (3, 105, 87.66);

    INSERT INTO dbo.Invoices VALUES (3, 106, 45.00);

    INSERT INTO dbo.Invoices VALUES (3, 107, 106.30);


    create Proc dbo.spBalanceRange

    @VendorVar nvarChar(40) = null,

    @BalanceMin decimal(10,2) = null,

    @BalanceMax decimal(10,2) = null



    DECLARE @SQLString nvarchar(Max);

    DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500);

    DECLARE @pVendorVar nvarchar(40);

    DECLARE @pBalanceMin decimal(10,2);

    DECLARE @pBalanceMax decimal(10,2);

    -- Build the SQL string one time.

    SET @SQLString =




    Balance = InvoiceTotal



    JOIN dbo.Vendors On Invoices.VendorID = Vendors.VendorID


    InvoiceTotal > 0

    AND VendorName LIKE @pVendorVar

    AND InvoiceTotal >= @pBalanceMin

    AND InvoiceTotal <= @pBalanceMax


    InvoiceTotal DESC';

    /* Execute the string with the input parameter values. */

    SET @pVendorVar = CASE WHEN @VendorVar IS NULL THEN '%' ELSE @VendorVar END;

    SET @pBalanceMin = CASE WHEN @BalanceMin IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE @BalanceMin END;

    SET @pBalanceMax = CASE WHEN @BalanceMax IS NULL THEN 9999999.99 ELSE @BalanceMax END;

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString,

    N'@pVendorVar nvarchar(40), @pBalanceMin decimal(10,2), @pBalanceMax decimal(10,2)',

    @pVendorVar = @pVendorVar,

    @pBalanceMin = @pBalanceMin,

    @pBalanceMax = @pBalanceMax;


    This will avoid the danger of SQL injection (see following for more details):


    Test procedure:

    EXEC spBalanceRange NULL, NULL, NULL

    EXEC spBalanceRange '%First%', NULL, NULL

    EXEC spBalanceRange '%Third%', 40, NULL

    EXEC spBalanceRange '%Third%', 40, 90

    EXEC spBalanceRange NULL, 100, 200

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