Search All Tables

  • Okay, there has to be a better way to to what I want to accomplish, I just can't figure it out. I want to search all my tables in the database and then tell me which one has a column name = Compkey and that Compkey is = 270188. I wrote the following script:

    select 'SELECT * FROM' + ' ' + TABLE_SCHEMA+'.'+ TABLE_NAME + ' WHERE ' + COLUMN_NAME + '=''270188''' --ENTER COMPKEY HERE



    order by TABLE_SCHEMA

    This works, the only problem is I then get 411 queries that I need to run to find the tables that has compkey = 270188. Any suggestions here?



  • Sorry! Meant to post this in the T-SQL forum!

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    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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