Creation of dynamic sql query to create a select statement to pick a unique record

  • Hi All

    I am working on a search stored procedure for a website,

    I have following input parameters:

    @Region: A region name

    @Country: A country name or collection of countries

    @Province: A province name or collection of provinces

    @city: A single city name

    @Zip: A single zip code

    I have table for each say Region, Country, Province and City(it contains both city and corresponding zip)

    Now i want to pick a single record of city(there may be multiple identical records but want first one) to get it's latitude and longitude.

    The best approach i thought of so far is to use dynamic sql query string.

    But if there is another better way to do this then please suggest me.:-)


  • Why is a regular query not sufficient?

    Is is unknown whether any of the given parameters will contain a value?

  • Yes this is not sure whether any of parameter will contain value or not except @city or @zip.

    and also I guess IN clause won't work with a variable containing multiple values

    like the following code will not work:

    select blah from blah where countryId IN (@country)

  • Here is another pattern for "catch-all" queries:

    select *

    from t1

    where (@p1 is null or @p1 =t1.c2)

    option (recompile)

    Not sure if better or not for your particular case, you'll want to benchmark it both ways.

  • Rather than using a Dynamic SQL query that substitutes in the table you want to SELECT FROM, why not instead consider using IF/ELSE IF/END with static SQL queries?

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
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  • @dwain.c

    I can Use IF/Else but there i'll have to use too many iterations,

    Because @Country and @province may contain more that one value.

    and each table City, Region, Country and Province contains a translation and also a synonym table.

    It will make too many iterations.


    In this solution how can i pass multiple values in parameter

    declare @p1 varchar(100) = 'Evere,anvers'

    select top 10 *

    from TB_City ci

    where (@p1 is null or @p1 =ci.CityDefaultName)

    option (recompile)

  • You can use a table valued parameter.

    ... And ( t1.c in (select id from @p2) or not exists (select * from @p2) )

  • rajawat.niranjan (8/9/2012)


    I can Use IF/Else but there i'll have to use too many iterations,

    Because @Country and @province may contain more that one value.

    and each table City, Region, Country and Province contains a translation and also a synonym table.

    It will make too many iterations.


    In this solution how can i pass multiple values in parameter

    declare @p1 varchar(100) = 'Evere,anvers'

    select top 10 *

    from TB_City ci

    where (@p1 is null or @p1 =ci.CityDefaultName)

    option (recompile)

    First of all, I think you should have posted a better subject to the question as it seems more likely the case of dynamic search 😉

    I agree that IF/ELSE is not the way to go. It would make the code too long and would make it very hard for the optimizer to come up with a good plan unless the options like procedure recompile etc are used.

    For multiple values in parameter, as mentioned by SpringTownDBA, TVP is an option. Another option could be to use Jeff Moden's 8k splitter function[/url]

    But if you have opted for the dynamic sql, then it seems fine to me. (Although I do not like dynamic sql) I have seen proper implementation can get you a very optimized solution for dynamic searches. I would strongly recommend reading this great article by Erland Sommarskog on dynamic search.

  • Personally, I'd like to see the Dynamic SQL version posted before we go jumping to hasty conclusions or generalizations like "too many iterations" or "would make it very hard for the optimizer to come up with a good plan unless the options like procedure recompile" and compare it against what could be done with IF/ELSE IF.

    Edit: Corrected the second quotation.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
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  • Yes this is not sure whether any of parameter will contain value or not except @city or @zip.

    and also I guess IN clause won't work with a variable containing multiple values

    like the following code will not work:

    select blah from blah where countryId IN (@country)

    You can use the below query if a variable containing multiple values,

    select blah from blah where

    CHARINDEX(LTRIM(RTRIM(CountryId)), @country) > 0

  • Hi All

    right now I am using following dynamic sql code

    to select a city Lat Long:

    (Please suggest if there is better solution)

    IF LTRIM(rtrim(@PostCode)) <> ''


    select @ParameterList = ''

    set @PtSql = 'insert into #LatLong Select CityLatitude, CityLongitude from TB_City ci'

    set @PtJoinString = ''

    set @PtWhereString = ' where'

    IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@City)) <> ''


    set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' ((CityZipCodes = ''' + @PostCode + ''' and CityDefaultName = ''' + @City + ''' and ci.CityStatusID = 1) or (CityZipCodes = ''' + @PostCode + ''' and CityName = ''' + @City + ''' and cits.CityTranslationStatusID = 1)) '

    set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' left join (select CityInternalID,CityName,CityTranslationStatusID from TB_CityTranslation union select CityInternalID, CityName, CitySynonymStatusID from TB_CitySynonym ) cits on ci.CityInternalId = cits.CityInternalID'



    set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' ci.CityZipCodes = ''' + @PostCode + ''''

    IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@Region)) <> ''


    set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' and re.RegionDefaultName = ''' + @Region + ''' and re.RegionStatusID = 1'

    set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' inner join ( select RegionInternalID,RegionDefaultName,RegionStatusID from TB_Region union select RegionInternalID,RegionName,RegionTranslationStatusID from TB_RegionTranslation union select RegionInternalID, RegionName, RegionSynonymStatusID from TB_RegionSynonym) re on ci.CityRegionID = re.RegionInternalID'


    IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry)) <> ''


    set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' and co.CountryDefaultName in (' + @strCountry + ') and co.CountryStatusID = 1'

    set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' inner join ( select CountryInternalID,CountryDefaultName,CountryStatusID from TB_Country union select CountryInternalID,CountryName,CountryTranslationStatusID from TB_CountryTranslation union select CountryInternalID,CountryName,CountrySynonymStatusID from TB_CountrySynonym) co on ci.CityCountryId = co.CountryInternalID'


    IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@strProvince)) <> ''


    set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' and pr.ProvinceDefaultName in (' + @strProvince + ') and pr.ProvinceStatusID = 1'

    set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' inner join ( select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceDefaultName,ProvinceStatusID from TB_Province union select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceName,ProvinceTranslationStatusID from TB_ProvinceTranslation union select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceName,ProvinceSynonymStatusID from TB_ProvinceSynonym) pr on ci.CityProvinceID = pr.ProvinceInternalID'


    set @PtSql = @PtSql + @PtJoinString + @PtWhereString

    Print @PtSql

    exec sp_executesql @PtSql, N'@City nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT, @Region nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT, @strCountry nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT, @strProvince nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT', @City , @Region, @strCountry , @strProvince

    select @VacSearchLocLatitude = Latitude, @VacSearchLocLongitude = Longitude from #LatLong


  • A little basic formatting would go a long way to improving readability:

    IF LTRIM(rtrim(@PostCode)) <> ''


    select @ParameterList = '' -- Not used anywhere

    SELECT @PtSql = 'insert into #LatLong Select CityLatitude, CityLongitude from TB_City ci'

    ,@PtJoinString = ''

    ,@PtWhereString = ' where'

    IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@City)) <> ''


    set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' ((CityZipCodes = ''' + @PostCode + ''' and CityDefaultName = ''' + @City + ''' and ci.CityStatusID = 1) or (CityZipCodes = ''' + @PostCode + ''' and CityName = ''' + @City + ''' and cits.CityTranslationStatusID = 1)) '

    set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' left join (select CityInternalID,CityName,CityTranslationStatusID from TB_CityTranslation union select CityInternalID, CityName, CitySynonymStatusID from TB_CitySynonym ) cits on ci.CityInternalId = cits.CityInternalID'



    set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' ci.CityZipCodes = ''' + @PostCode + ''''

    IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@Region)) <> ''


    set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' and re.RegionDefaultName = ''' + @Region + ''' and re.RegionStatusID = 1'

    set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' inner join ( select RegionInternalID,RegionDefaultName,RegionStatusID from TB_Region union select RegionInternalID,RegionName,RegionTranslationStatusID from TB_RegionTranslation union select RegionInternalID, RegionName, RegionSynonymStatusID from TB_RegionSynonym) re on ci.CityRegionID = re.RegionInternalID'


    IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@strCountry)) <> ''


    set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' and co.CountryDefaultName in (' + @strCountry + ') and co.CountryStatusID = 1'

    set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' inner join ( select CountryInternalID,CountryDefaultName,CountryStatusID from TB_Country union select CountryInternalID,CountryName,CountryTranslationStatusID from TB_CountryTranslation union select CountryInternalID,CountryName,CountrySynonymStatusID from TB_CountrySynonym) co on ci.CityCountryId = co.CountryInternalID'


    IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@strProvince)) <> ''


    set @PtWhereString = @PtWhereString + ' and pr.ProvinceDefaultName in (' + @strProvince + ') and pr.ProvinceStatusID = 1'

    set @PtJoinString = @PtJoinString + ' inner join ( select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceDefaultName,ProvinceStatusID from TB_Province union select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceName,ProvinceTranslationStatusID from TB_ProvinceTranslation union select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceName,ProvinceSynonymStatusID from TB_ProvinceSynonym) pr on ci.CityProvinceID = pr.ProvinceInternalID'


    set @PtSql = @PtSql + @PtJoinString + @PtWhereString

    Print @PtSql

    exec sp_executesql @PtSql, N'@City nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT, @Region nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT, @strCountry nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT, @strProvince nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT' , @City , @Region, @strCountry , @strProvince

    select @VacSearchLocLatitude = Latitude, @VacSearchLocLongitude = Longitude from #LatLong


    A few issues I see with the above:

    1. The variable @ParameterList is not used anywhere.

    2. Where you have co.CountryDefaultName in (@strCountry) should probably be using =

    3. Where you have pr.ProvinceDefaultName in (@strProvince) should probably be using =

    4. All of your UNIONs can probably be UNION ALLs

    Not necessarily recommending this (and ignoring variable declarations), but this is the "catch all" query approach:

    SELECT @PostCode=LTRIM(rtrim(ISNULL(@PostCode, '')))

    ,@City=LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(@City, '')))

    ,@Region=LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(@Region, '')))

    ,@strCountry=LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(@strCountry, '')))

    ,@strProvince=LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(@strProvince, '')))

    Select @VacSearchLocLatitude=CityLatitude, @VacSearchLocLongitude=CityLongitude

    from TB_City ci

    left join (

    select CityInternalID,CityName,CityTranslationStatusID

    from TB_CityTranslation

    union ALL

    select CityInternalID, CityName, CitySynonymStatusID

    from TB_CitySynonym ) cits

    on ci.CityInternalId = cits.CityInternalID AND ci.CityZipCodes = @PostCode AND

    (@City = '' OR (CityDefaultName = @City and ci.CityStatusID = 1))

    inner join (

    select RegionInternalID,RegionDefaultName,RegionStatusID

    from TB_Region

    union ALL

    select RegionInternalID,RegionName,RegionTranslationStatusID

    from TB_RegionTranslation

    union ALL

    select RegionInternalID, RegionName, RegionSynonymStatusID

    from TB_RegionSynonym) re

    on ci.CityRegionID = re.RegionInternalID AND

    (@Region = '' OR (re.RegionDefaultName = @Region and re.RegionStatusID = 1))

    inner join (

    select CountryInternalID,CountryDefaultName,CountryStatusID

    from TB_Country

    union ALL

    select CountryInternalID,CountryName,CountryTranslationStatusID

    from TB_CountryTranslation

    union ALL

    select CountryInternalID,CountryName,CountrySynonymStatusID

    from TB_CountrySynonym) co

    on ci.CityCountryId = co.CountryInternalID AND

    (@strCountry = '' OR (co.CountryDefaultName = @strCountry and co.CountryStatusID = 1))

    inner join (

    select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceDefaultName,ProvinceStatusID

    from TB_Province

    union ALL

    select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceName,ProvinceTranslationStatusID

    from TB_ProvinceTranslation

    union ALL

    select ProvinceInternalID,ProvinceName,ProvinceSynonymStatusID

    from TB_ProvinceSynonym) pr

    on ci.CityProvinceID = pr.ProvinceInternalID AND

    (@strProvince = '' OR (pr.ProvinceDefaultName = @strProvince and pr.ProvinceStatusID = 1))

    Personally I think it's quite a bit more readable but I would sacrifice that for performance. I suggest you run a test to see which performs better.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
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  • Hi dwain.c

    I am using IN clause because i have multiple values for countries and provinces.

    and IN does not work with a variable without using dynamic query.

    like select * from tb_country where countryName IN (@country) does not work.

    please suggest solution for this other than dynamic sql.

    Thank you.

  • SET @strCountry = 'Sweden,Portugal'

    (@strCountry = '' OR (co.CountryDefaultName IN (SELECT Item FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@strCountry, ',')) and co.CountryStatusID = 1))

    DelimitedSplit8K can be found here:

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=

  • Thanks dwain.c

    I have following queries regarding this:

    1. Here I don't have all parameters compulsory except city, so if i use this single query every time I will be join all the tables whether there is some value in parameter or not. If I use If-else then I guess there will be many iterations.

    2. Does this query give better performance compared to previous dynamic query?

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