Backup times vary widely

  • We have a database server that is causing us problems in backup times. After a reboot the backup jobs run about 20 min for 30 to 50 GB Databases. as time goes by the backups increase in time until they take over 3 hours. Whats odd is that I can run a backup now and it runs in 20 min. it is only in the morning say 4 - 7 that everything is extremply slow. Networking is saying it is the SQL server causing the problem but I have looked at everything I can think of. sessions, tasks, job scheldues, logs, trace.... you name it. When the backup jobs start i ever half hour there is nothing else running on this box. in fact according to sessions (sp_who2 or similiar though we use spotlight.) no one is even on the box because the application servers are also shut down for maintenance at that time. Any one have any thoughts on what could make the backup time vary so much.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • I had similar issue few months ago (check if this is applicable to you or not), we were taking backups over the network from many database servers (6-7 at a time) between 1:00 am to 5:00 am. IO capacity of destination drive was much higher than what we were acheiving. Finally found network IO contention at destination server. we just added 2nd network card and routed half of the backups to new IP and reduced the overall backup time by half (almost).

  • Unfotunaley this is not our case we are doing backups directly to SAN drives and we already have three Nics teamed in the server so that should not be the issue. In this case the HBS cards for the SAN take care of most of the traffic anyway.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

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