Cannot attach to .mdf file becuase it is in my projects directory. Why?

  • Hi all,

    in ssms 2012, why when I go to attach database > add > find database file will the dialogue box only let me go 3 folders deep?

    I simply want to attach the .mdf in my C:\mydocs\visualStudios\projects\FooProject\App_Data\Bar.MDF

    The locate database dialogue box will only get me to C:\users\AdamDev and thats is it!

    Yes I can just move the file but I want it to stay in my VSStudio app folder.


  • What happens if you use T-SQL commands to do it?

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • Did not think to do it. let me try...

  • Operating System error (5) access denied is the result of using sp_attach_db 'path to visual studio project'.

    I removed all the read only files and folders along that path but became to time consuming for its worth.

    So it was just a local file permission issue I believe, but getting prooving it was not time well spent when I could just move the VisualStudios Project under the MS SQL Server folder in program files at attach to it from there.


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