Use SUM function inside Update Statement

  • How do we use SUM in side update statement. Please review the below query and help me

    select [September 2012 Billing File] = CASE WHEN T2.[Application ID] IS NOT NULL AND T2.[ServerName]

    IS NOT NULL AND Sum([Billed This Month]) <> 0 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END

    FROM [AEG_DB].[dbo].[TBL_Work] T1

    LEFT JOIN [TBL_Data] T2 ON (T1.[Application ID] = T2.[Application ID] AND T1.[ServerName] = T2.[ServerName])

    WHERE T2.[Data Period] = 'September 2012'

  • For starters you'll need to include a GROUP BY on every column in the SELECT list that is not aggregated.

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