Removing Hyperlink on Exports

  • How can I remove the hyperlink on a SSRS report export?

    I added an expression to the Jump to URL to check the Globals!RenderFormat and either it returns "" or a javascript string that jumps to the target URL.

    Previously, the javacript string without the IIF logic, would jump to the URL without any problems.

    ="void('http://server_name/app_name/report.aspx?iID=" + Fields!ID.Value.ToString() + "&origin=Search','_self'))"

    But now that I added the IIF logic, it does remove the hyperlink from the exports, but the hyperlink on the search results no longer work.

    =IIF(Globals!RenderFormat = "PDF", Nothing, "void('http://server_name/app_name/report.aspx?iID=" + Fields!ID.Value.ToString() + "&origin=Search','_self'))")

    Ideas anyone? Thanks.

  • try....



    You could also use the .IsInteractive property, which will disable the links for PDF exports as well:

    IIf(Globals!RenderFormat.IsInteractive, "YourReportPath", Nothing)

  • Thanks! The Globals!RenderFormat.Name fixed it!

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