concatenate parent and org base members in a hierarchy

  • Hi fellow SQL gurus,

    I have a organization hierarchy table below.

    ID Parent Organization Parent_ID


    2036 Sunway GROUP NULL

    2037 Sunway Group 10000000 2036

    2038 Sunway Group SUNH GROUP 2036

    2039 SUNH GROUP 2000000 2038

    2040 SUNH GROUP 2050000 2038

    From the existing table, I would like to concatenate the parent and organization for base members only. Please refer to table below.

    ID Parent Organization Parent_ID Organization2



    2037 Sunway Group 10000000 2036 10000000

    2038 Sunway Group SUNH GROUP 2036 SUNH GROUP

    2039 SUNH GROUP 2000000 2038 SUNH GROUP-2000000

    2040 SUNH GROUP 2050000 2038 SUNH GROUP-2050000

    Can anyone advise how can I transform that? Thanks.

  • What would be the output for this

    ID Parent Organization Parent_ID


    2036 Sunway GROUP NULL

    2037 Sunway Group 10000000 2036

    2038 Sunway Group SUNH GROUP 2036

    2039 SUNH GROUP 2000000 2038

    2040 SUNH GROUP 2050000 2038

    2041 2000000 5000000 2039

    Do you want to see the concatenation only for the leaf level childs?

  • Hi Usman Butt,

    The output for the table is exactly the second table shown in my first post. Yes, I want to see the concatenation only for the leaf level childs.


  • Sorry, but I am still not able to understand it. Should 2039 have to be concatenated, since it has a child 2041 now? Or you just want to see the concatenation below heirarchy 2. Just to make sure Please post the output for this

    ID Parent Organization Parent_ID


    2036 Sunway GROUP NULL

    2037 Sunway Group 10000000 2036

    2038 Sunway Group SUNH GROUP 2036

    2039 SUNH GROUP 2000000 2038

    2040 SUNH GROUP 2050000 2038

    2041 2000000 5000000 2039

    2042 2000000 6000000 2039

    2043 2050000 7000000 2040

    2043 5000000 8000000 2041

  • This would do according to your desired ouput

    SELECT * INTO #temp

    FROM (

    SELECT 2036 AS ID,cast(NULL AS varchar(100)) AS parent,'Sunway GROUP' organization,cast(NULL AS int)parent_id

    UNION ALL SELECT 2037,'Sunway Group','10000000',2036

    UNION ALL SELECT 2038,'Sunway Group','SUNH GROUP',2036

    UNION ALL SELECT 2039,'SUNH GROUP','2000000',2038

    UNION ALL SELECT 2040,'SUNH GROUP','2050000',2038

    UNION ALL SELECT 2041,'2000000','5000000',2039

    ) A

    ;WITH CTE AS (


    , [parent]

    , [organization]

    , [parent_id]

    , CAST(ISNULL([parent] + '-','')

    + [organization] AS VARCHAR(500)) Organization2

    FROM [#temp] AS T

    WHERE [parent_id] IS NULL


    SELECT [T].[ID]

    , [T].[parent]

    , [T].[organization]

    , [T].[parent_id]

    , CAST(ISNULL(CTE.[parent] + '-','')

    + T.[organization] AS VARCHAR(500)) Organization2

    FROM [#temp] AS T

    INNER JOIN [CTE] ON [T].[parent_id] = [CTE].[ID]



    DROP TABLE [#temp]

    If this does not help your cause, then please let us know

  • Usman Butt (11/28/2011)

    Sorry, but I am still not able to understand it. Should 2039 have to be concatenated, since it has a child 2041 now? Or you just want to see the concatenation below heirarchy 2. Just to make sure Please post the output for this

    ID Parent Organization Parent_ID


    2036 Sunway GROUP NULL

    2037 Sunway Group 10000000 2036

    2038 Sunway Group SUNH GROUP 2036

    2039 SUNH GROUP 2000000 2038

    2040 SUNH GROUP 2050000 2038

    2041 2000000 5000000 2039

    2042 2000000 6000000 2039

    2043 2050000 7000000 2040

    2043 5000000 8000000 2041

    Hi Usman Butt,

    The output for this is...

    ID Parent Organization Parent_ID Organization2


    2036 Sunway GROUP NULL Sunway GROUP

    2037 Sunway Group 1000000 2036 Sunway GROUP-100000

    2038 Sunway Group SUNH GROUP 2036 SUNH GROUP

    2039 SUNH GROUP 2000000 2038 2000000

    2040 SUNH GROUP 2050000 2038 2050000

    2041 2000000 5000000 2039 5000000

    2042 2000000 6000000 2039 2000000-6000000

    2043 2050000 7000000 2040 2050000-7000000

    2043 5000000 8000000 2041 5000000-8000000

  • Hi Usman Butt,

    I think I had figured out a way for this problem.

    select *, organization as subgroup_org from org_hrchy_details

    where organization in (select distinct parent from org_hrchy_details)


    select *, parent + '-' + organization as subgroup_org from org_hrchy_details

    where organization not in (select distinct parent from org_hrchy_details)

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