ssis null valus

  • hi friends i have small doutb in ssis plz tell me how to solve this issue

    how to handle nulls data ..and maintain one table in ssis without useing isnull function .

    i do useing null function like isnull(col)||isnull(col2) that way i do.

    but i donot i want like that way .

    plz tell me how to handle null values in ssis and send to that records anothere table

  • You have no other choice. ISNULL is there to check a column for NULL values. You could do it in a script component or in TSQL, but in the end you'll still be doing the same thing, just with another tool.

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  • All swings and roundabouts but there is always the COALESCE function...

    A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. Mitch Ratcliffe

  • script component would be the only other way I'd consider, since you can have 2 outputs and shoot records out the desired pipeline.

    The null check in there is slightly different but still, it's going to be ISNULL() at its heart.

    Not sure why you want to overcomplicate by avoiding the most direct null check available via derived column?

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