Ratio SSRS report

  • I am in the home stretch of converting a bunch of our monthly reports to SSRS reports and making the files be available online as opposed to the hours of work that someone is currently doing to create a bunch of excel spreadsheets.

    I am down to 2 that are showing ratios based on a series of Actions vs. Reactions. I have the query returning the correct data. I have tried doing the math in the query and I have also done the math in SSRS.

    But, when it comes to getting the data on the bar graph, when I add ":1" to the end, it naturally doesn't graph the value. This is either in my query or in SSRS.

    How can I get the value to graph properly and show up as the data label?



  • Just to check I'm on your page here..

    Do you mean: you have a graph with data labels and you want the data labels to show [value]:1 ?

    Have you tried this in the expression for data labels:

    =[value] & ":1"


    Sorry, if this is basic or youve already tried this. I dont know what youve tried. Hope that helps


  • Yep, thanks for the reply. I have tried that. When I do that, the value and that portion of the graph disappear. As I think it is trying to graph say, 3:1 and it can't. I was thinking that the label was just that and I could make it say anything I wanted. Guess that was a wrong thought....

    Still looking for ideas, suggestions and solutions!


  • You could add a field to your dataset either in your report or before it comes to the report & make it a varchar made up of your value + :1 ?

    I dont have BIDS open here just now to play about & test what works best. hmm..

    I'll have a think. Try that though, its not clean but it should work.


  • Well I kind of also tried that, I actually did the concatentation in the query so that it returned 3:1 as text and naturally that didn't graph either, the whole thing was empty....

  • Ah, just re-read your earlier post.

    Are you changing the series data to add the ":1" or are you changing the data label expression? As the data label expression shouldnt affect the data shown on the chart.

    As a test, can you try changing the data label expression to just


    Then maybe next try

    =[value] & "Test"

    See if those work? I'm off home now but i'll mock up some data tomorrow, see if I can get it to work in SSRS.


  • Just trying to change the label. I can't remember now, if I tried that so I will pull up that report and try it, appreciate the help!

  • Ok, I feel like such an idiot! I wasn't changing the label, duh. I was changing the series and not even paying attention to what I was clicking on....

    Note to self: Make sure you are doing what you say, before you post! Thanks for the help. :w00t:

  • Hey,

    Dont worry about it. Easy mistake to make. Try that out, or better yet, try the original method and let me know how you get on 🙂

  • Everything turned out great, after I edited the correct label! got what I needed and finished off the report structure. Now I just have to verify a few things (events that we are pulling to report on).

  • Excellent. Glad to hear it 🙂

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