XQuery Help

  • Hi All

    We have a column filled with XML formatted metadata of certain resources which have been uploaded to the DB (sample below)

    <MetaData xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://core.company.com/MetaData.xsd">

    <Title>Apr 24 2012: Some Text</Title>

    <Keywords>apr 24 2012,some key words</Keywords>

    <OneLineOverview>Apr 24 2012: Some Text</OneLineOverview>

    <Description>Some Description.</Description>





    <Discipline />









    <Country>United States</Country>





    There was a config issue which prevented a stored proc from running inserting the nessesary data into the DB, so I need to retrovert the data back in from the metadata, the problem I am having is just getting the <Standard> out of the data.

    So far I have

    MetaData.query('declare namespace NS="http://core.company.com/MetaData.xsd"; /NS:MetaData/NS:Standard')

    But it returns an XML value of <NS:StateStandard xmlns:NS="http://core.company.com/MetaData.xsd">Standard12345</NS:StateStandard>, I just need it to return Standard12345 on its own, not the additional tags.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Full test code

    declare @xml table (metadata xml)

    insert into @xml (metadata) values(

    '<MetaData xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://core.company.com/MetaData.xsd">

    <Title>Apr 24 2012: Some Text</Title>

    <Keywords>apr 24 2012,some key words</Keywords>

    <OneLineOverview>Apr 24 2012: Some Text</OneLineOverview>

    <Description>Some Description.</Description>





    <Discipline />









    <Country>United States</Country>






    MetaData.query('declare namespace NS="http://core.company.com/MetaData.xsd"; /NS:MetaData/NS:Standard')



  • figured it out

    MetaData.value('declare namespace NS="http://core.company.com/MetaData.xsd"; (/NS:MetaData/NS:StateStandard)[1]','NVARCHAR(MAX)')

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