formatting XML query

  • I have been trying to figure out the correct syntax for a query, but I have not come up with something that gives me what I want.

    Each row in a table contains a formatted XML string. Essentially, the string is of the format:


    <facility name="building 1A">

    <element name=...../>

    <element name=..../>

    <feature name="feature1">

    <element name=..../>

    <element name=.../>


    <feature name="feature2">

    <element name=..../>

    <element name=.../>


    <feature name="feature3">

    <element name=..../>

    <element name=.../>



    <facility name="building 2A">

    <element name=...../>

    <element name=..../>

    <feature name="feature1">

    <element name=..../>

    <element name=.../>


    <feature name="feature2">

    <element name=..../>

    <element name=.../>


    <feature name="feature3">

    <element name=..../>

    <element name=.../>




    There can be 1 to n facilities and each facility can have 1 to feature elements.

    The query I am trying to put together is one that will return all of the facilities in the string and include only feature named "feature3" with the facility data. What I came up with that fails when memory is exhausted is below. The table name is dataDef and the column name contained the typed XML is info

    declare @dispValue xml

    @featureName varchar(20)

    set @featureName='feature3'

    select @dispVal =

    (select info.query('(//facility)[1]'),

    (select info.query('


    for $i in (//feature)

    let $k := ($i/@name)

    while $k = fn:string(sql:variable("@featureName"))

    return ($i))[1]')

    from dataDef

    for XML path (''))

    from dataDef

    from xml path (''), root('dataDef'))

    I think I am actually ending up with a cartesian product, but I am not clear how to correct the query.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Thank-you for the reply; no I have not tried nodes.

    However, I was able to figure out the syntax I needed to get the facility information, and the desired feature. One thing that I did was group the elements under the facility into complex type so that the facility xsd referenced these complex types:


    .... <-- remove for clarify


    <xsd:element name="dataDef">



    <xsd:element ref="facility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>




    <xsd:element name="facility">



    <xsd:element ref="basics" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>

    <xsd:element ref="facilitySpec" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>

    <xsd:element ref="feature" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


    <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>



    <xsd:element name="feature">



    <xsd:element ......../>

    <xsd:element ......../>


    <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>



    < remained of complex types not shown........ />


    With the same XML string as originally posted, I wrote the query to get all of the facilities; each with one specific feature:

    declare @dispValue xml

    @featureName varchar(20)

    set @featureName='feature3'

    select @dispVal =

    (select'(//facility/@name)[1]','char(10)') as '@name','(//facility/basics)[1]'),'(//facility/facilitySpec)[1]'),



    for $i in (//feature)

    let $k := ($i/@name)

    while $k = fn:string(sql:variable("@featureName"))

    return ($i))[1]')

    from dataDef aa

    where aa.<table unique key> = bb.<table unique key>

    for XML path (''), type

    from dataDef bb

    from xml path ('facility'), root('dataDef'))

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