Add additional column to dataset based on rowcount

  • I have a table like this

    1 AAAA

    2 BBBB

    3 CCCC


    100 FFFF

    I want to add additional column and fill in data, based on the row count; (ie) for the first five rows i want to write as Sample1. for the next 5 as sample 2 and so on...

    Like this...

    1 AAAA Sample1

    2 BBBB Sample1

    3 CCCC Sample1

    4 DDDD Sample1

    5 EEEE Sample1

    6 GGGG Sample2


    100 FFFF Sample20

    Any suggestions??

  • Try the NTILE function:

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  • NTILE just divides the dataset into the given number in NTILE(int) accordingly. But i want to divide the dataset (whatever lines there may be) to 5 - 5 rows..

  • subasuga (10/4/2011)

    NTILE just divides the dataset into the given number in NTILE(int) accordingly. But i want to divide the dataset (whatever lines there may be) to 5 - 5 rows..

    I see.

    This solution is pretty close:



    ,[SampleColumn] = 'Sample' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),([SequenceNumber] / 5) + 1)

    FROM MyTable

    Row 5 belongs to sample 2, while your example puts it in sample1.

    Maybe add a check with the modulo operator to check if the current number can be divided by 5. If it is, substract 1.

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  • Hi..

    Thanks for thea bit of useful tip.

    I modified the query like this and the rows getting divided into 5 perfectly...



    ,[SampleColumn] = 'Sample' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(([SequenceNumber] / 5)-1) + 1)

    FROM MyTable

    Thanks Koen..

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