Multi Part identifier could not be bound

  • Hi All,

    I am trying to do an update statement:

    begin tran

    update dbo.Addresses

    set addresses.Address1Original = addressescapscan.Address1Original,

    addresses.Address2Original = addressescapscan.Address2Original,

    addresses.Address3Original = addressescapscan.Address3Original,

    addresses.TownOriginal = addressescapscan.TownOriginal,

    addresses.CountyOriginal = addressescapscan.CountyOriginal,

    addresses.PostcodeOriginal = addressescapscan.PostcodeOriginal,

    addresses.CountryOriginal = addressescapscan.CountryOriginal

    join dbo.Addresses on dbo.Addresses.dqid = dbo.addresscapscan.dqid

    where addresses.A8Status <> 'N'

    but am getting the multi part identifier could not be bound for the addresscapscan fields.

    Any help much appreciated

  • Shouldn't it be like this?

    FROM Addresses

    INNER JOIN dbo.Addresses addressescapscan on dbo.Addresses.dqid = dbo.addresscapscan.dqid

  • You don't have the 2nd table in the FROM




    A.Address1Original = CAP.Address1Original

    , A.Address2Original = CAP.Address2Original

    , A.Address3Original = CAP.Address3Original

    , A.TownOriginal = CAP.TownOriginal

    , A.CountyOriginal = CAP.CountyOriginal

    , A.PostcodeOriginal = CAP.PostcodeOriginal

    , A.CountryOriginal = CAP.CountryOriginal


    dbo.addresscapscan CAP

    INNER join dbo.Addresses A

    on A.dqid = CAP.dqid


    A.A8Status <> 'N'

  • You don't have the 2nd table in the FROM

    In fact there is no FROM clause in OP's query... 😉

  • Dev (11/14/2011)

    You don't have the 2nd table in the FROM

    In fact there is no FROM clause in OP's query... 😉

    Update dbo.table is an implied from if you really want to be anal about it. That's why the join was not throwing a syntax error.

  • martin.kerr 34088 (11/14/2011)

    Hi All,

    I am trying to do an update statement:

    begin tran

    update dbo.Addresses

    set addresses.Address1Original = addressescapscan.Address1Original,

    addresses.Address2Original = addressescapscan.Address2Original,

    addresses.Address3Original = addressescapscan.Address3Original,

    addresses.TownOriginal = addressescapscan.TownOriginal,

    addresses.CountyOriginal = addressescapscan.CountyOriginal,

    addresses.PostcodeOriginal = addressescapscan.PostcodeOriginal,

    addresses.CountryOriginal = addressescapscan.CountryOriginal

    join dbo.Addresses on dbo.Addresses.dqid = dbo.addresscapscan.dqid

    where addresses.A8Status <> 'N'

    but am getting the multi part identifier could not be bound for the addresscapscan fields.

    Any help much appreciated

    You can't write a join after the set clause, to include the join you could use a from clause as suggested in eralier responses but that is not standard SQL, support for that construct may be removed in future (not any time soon, though)so it might be better to use a Merge statement to do this update.

    MERGE dbo.Addresses addresses

    USING addressescapscan

    ON addresses.dqid = addressescapscan.dqid

    WHEN MATCHED AND addresses.A8Status <> 'N'

    SET addresses.Address1Original = addressescapscan.Address1Original,

    addresses.Address2Original = addressescapscan.Address2Original,

    addresses.Address3Original = addressescapscan.Address3Original,

    addresses.TownOriginal = addressescapscan.TownOriginal,

    addresses.CountyOriginal = addressescapscan.CountyOriginal,

    addresses.PostcodeOriginal = addressescapscan.PostcodeOriginal,

    addresses.CountryOriginal = addressescapscan.CountryOriginal;

    - that's standard SQL, so unlikely to become unsupported.


  • That's why the join was not throwing a syntax error

    So you are saying it's runtime / logical error...

  • Dev (11/14/2011)

    That's why the join was not throwing a syntax error

    So you are saying it's runtime / logical error...

    No his problem is that he didn't reference BOTH tables in the query.

  • but that is not standard SQL, support for that construct may be removed in future (not any time soon, though)

    I was unaware of this fact. Are you sure on it?

    It still appears in UPDATE (Transact-SQL) syntax for SQL Server "Denali", without any side note / warning.

  • Dev (11/14/2011)

    That's why the join was not throwing a syntax error

    So you are saying it's runtime / logical error...

    No, it's a binding error (if it passed syntax check but failed when run, which I doubt this piece of code would have done. The OP's code does throw a syntax error).

    Edit: Clarified

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Ninja's_RGR'us (11/14/2011)

    Dev (11/14/2011)

    That's why the join was not throwing a syntax error

    So you are saying it's runtime / logical error...

    No his problem is that he didn't reference BOTH tables in the query.

    so it's syntax error...

  • GilaMonster (11/14/2011)

    Dev (11/14/2011)

    That's why the join was not throwing a syntax error

    So you are saying it's runtime / logical error...

    No, it's a binding error.

    When in doubt, trust GAIL. 😀

  • GilaMonster (11/14/2011)

    Dev (11/14/2011)

    That's why the join was not throwing a syntax error

    So you are saying it's runtime / logical error...

    No, it's a binding error.

    I heard it first time. I classify Errors as follows. Where will ‘Binding Error’ fit in?

    Syntax Error

    Definition : An error cause by violation of the programming language used.

    Symptoms : Code fails to compile (error message from compiler)

    Logical Error

    Definition : An error caused by violation of logic (range, comparison, etc.). This error will NOT crash the program.

    Symptoms : Unexpected output

    Runtime Error/Execution Error

    Definition : Any error, normally logical error that cause the program to crash.

    Symptoms : Program crashes.

  • Ok, let's put it this way.

    What kind of error is this?

    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3 FROM TableThatDoesNotExist

    It's not a syntax error, that passes syntax check successfully.

    It's not a run-time error, try-catch can't catch it.

    p.s. A runtime error does not cause a crash unless the person who wrote the code was incompetent and didn't bother with any error handling.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • It's not a run-time error, try-catch can't catch it.

    Well, it should.

    p.s. A runtime error does not cause a crash unless the person who wrote the code was incompetent and didn't bother with any error handling.

    Agree but the assumption is Developer didn't do anything extra except writing the logic for the application.

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