Case Condition in the Where Clause

  • Hi All,

    I want to retrieve two table based on the following condition

    1) m.ids = '1800m380000ioet75tq0000000'and m2.portfolioname = 'CI Project'

    2)M.ids = '1800m380000ioet75tq0000000'

    3)m2.portfolioname = 'CI Project'

    In the same query,User can pass both details to fetch the redord or he can use only one details in the single query

    The query details Listed Below

    Create Table MyTable ( Ids Int,Name Varchar(50),Varchar(50),OwnerId INt,baseLineDate datetime)

    Create table Mytable2 ( ProcessId Int, PortfolioName Varchar(50),Ids Int, Entity Int)

    Insert into MyTable ( '1800m380000ioet75tq0000000','FIFA','52698745896', Getdate())

    Insert into MyTable ( '1800m380000ioet75tq0000001','MAX','458745896', Getdate())

    Insert into MyTable ( '1800m380000ioet75tq0000002','JET','745896745896', Getdate())

    Insert into MyTable ( '1800m380000ioet75tq0000003','Sungio','5260005896', Getdate())

    Insert into Mytable2 ( '123','CI Project','1800m380000ioet75tq0000000','569')

    Insert into Mytable2 ( '123','BI Project','1800m380000ioet75tq0000000','569')

    Insert into Mytable2 ( '123','Gate Project','1800m380000ioet75tq0000002','569')

    Insert into Mytable2 ( '123','Folder','1800m380000ioet75tq0000000','569')

    Insert into Mytable2 ( '123','CI Project','1800m380000ioet75tq0000003','569')

    Select m.ids,,m.ownerId,m.baselinetime,m2.processId,m2.PortfolioName

    From Mytabe M Join Mytable2 m2 On m.ids = m2.ids and m2.portfolioname = 'CI Project'

  • A few things:

    1. Please test your DDL and Sample Data Scripts before you post it. Its not that hard to do it. Its as simple as CTRL C + CTRL V and F5.

    2. Your DDL Script has Errors please check it and post a working script.

    3. Why do you want to use a Case Statement when your query is getting you the results without any Conditional Logic?

    I really don't see what the problem is in this post. Your JOIN Query seems to be working fine. Are you expecting a different Result-Set?

    If so, then please post the Expected Result Set so that people can get to know what you are Expecting.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • I think you are looking for a "Catch-All" query

    Have a look at the link below which gives some ways to do it

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Thanks For the Reply...

    1) The User can pass only Ids Or User can pass only Portfolio name

    2) When he pass portfolio name and dont pass Ids then ids take as Null and query results 0 Value But Still I need to retrieve the records matching with portfolio name when he don pass the Ids

    3) When he pass both ids And Portfolio name then it retrieving the Records

    Prob :

    When user passes only the Ids Or PortfolioNAme it retrieving Zero record

  • I have to second vinu512's comments. We shouldn't be debugging your sample scripts.

    That said, I think this is what you are trying to achieve:


    Drop Table Mytable

    Drop Table Mytable2




    I modified your column data types so the script will compile


    Create Table MyTable ( Ids Varchar(50), Name Varchar(50),OwnerId VARCHAR(30),baseLineDate datetime)

    Create table Mytable2 ( ProcessId Int, PortfolioName Varchar(50),Ids Varchar(50), Entity Int)



    Questions to answer:

    Is Ids in MyTable non nullable? A primary key? Unique?

    Is Ids in MyTable2 non nullable? A foreign key to Mytable1 (Ids)?


    Insert into MyTable Values ( '1800m380000ioet75tq0000000','FIFA','52698745896', Getdate())

    Insert into MyTable Values ( '1800m380000ioet75tq0000001','MAX','458745896', Getdate())

    Insert into MyTable Values ( '1800m380000ioet75tq0000002','JET','745896745896', Getdate())

    Insert into MyTable Values ( '1800m380000ioet75tq0000003','Sungio','5260005896', Getdate())

    Insert into Mytable2 Values ( 123,'CI Project','1800m380000ioet75tq0000000',569)

    Insert into Mytable2 Values ( 123,'BI Project','1800m380000ioet75tq0000000',569)

    Insert into Mytable2 Values ( 123,'Gate Project','1800m380000ioet75tq0000002',569)

    Insert into Mytable2 Values ( 123,'Folder','1800m380000ioet75tq0000000',569)

    Insert into Mytable2 Values ( 123,'CI Project','1800m380000ioet75tq0000003',569)


    @portfolio Varchar(50),

    @ids Varchar(50)


    Experiment with commenting out the Set statements below


    Set @portfolio = 'CI Project'

    Set @ids = '1800m380000ioet75tq0000000'







    From Mytable M

    Join Mytable2 m2

    On m.ids = m2.ids


    COALESCE returns the first value that is not null

    If @portfolio exists, join portiofolio name in Mytable2 to @portfolio

    Else join the portiofolio name against itself (like a WHERE 1=1)

    If @ids exists, join ids in Mytable1 to @ids

    Else join the ids value against itself


    Where m2.portfolioname = COALESCE(@portfolio, m2.portfolioname)

    And m.Ids = COALESCE(@ids, m.Ids)

  • Yeah Something Like the

    This is First Option:

    Select m.ids,,m.ownerId,m.baselinetime,m2.processId,m2.PortfolioName

    From Mytabe M Join Mytable2 m2 On m.ids = '1800m380000ioet75tq0000000'

    and m2.portfolioname = 'CI Project'

    This is second Option:

    When User Donts Pass m.ids,it becomes Null in the Same above Query , Query Result NoRecords

    So i want to retrieve the records Based on the m2.portfolioName

    M.ids Should not Conside in the Query

  • Kingston Dhasian (6/12/2012)

    I think you are looking for a "Catch-All" query

    Have a look at the link below which gives some ways to do it


    After listening to all your requirements even I think that the link mentioned by Kingston Dhasian would have everything you need. You can supply all the conditions using a Corelation of ANDs and ORs.

    Please checkout the above quoted link. It will help you.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • It is in the Stored Procedure Way But i want the result in the Query based In Where Condition

  • Creating a script out of a stored procedure is not that difficult

    You can replace the parameters in the stored procedures with variables and assign these variables some values as below

    DECLARE@ids INT, @portfolioname VARCHAR(50)

    SET@ids = NULL

    SET@portfolioname = 'CI Project'

    DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(2000), @Where NVARCHAR(1000) = ''

    SET @SQL= ' SELECTm.ids,, m.ownerId, m.baselinetime, m2.processId, m2.PortfolioName '

    + ' FROMMytabe m '

    + ' INNER JOINMytable2 m2 '

    + ' ONm.ids = m2.ids '

    IF @ids is not null

    SET @Where = @Where + 'AND m.ids = @ids '

    IF @OrderID is not null

    SET @Where = @Where + 'AND m2.PortfolioName = @portfolioname '

    IF LEN(@Where) > 0

    SET @SQL = @sSQL + 'WHERE ' + RIGHT(@Where, LEN(@Where)-3)

    EXEC sp_executesql @sSQL,

    N'@_ids INT, @_portfolioname VARCHAR(50)',

    @_ids = @ids, @_portfolioname = @portfolioname

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Thanks

    Its Working fine Now...

    I used below syntax

    Declare @portfolioName Varchar(8000),

    @ParentWorkids Varchar(50)

    Set @portfolioName = 'CI Projects'

    set @ParentWorkids = '1801a2g0000ih0vl2abg000000'

    (vp.portfolio_name = @portfolioName Or @portfolioName Is nuLL)

    And (vh.parent_work_id = @ParentWorkids Or @ParentWorkids Is Null)

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