July 6, 2012 at 2:54 am
I need to write a query to show balance for the supermarket points(clubcard).
I have 2 tables with the structure
CardId, TransDate, PositivePoints
CardId, TransDate, NegativePoints
I need to write a query from these 2 tables to show the history of cardid.
How I earned, how I spent, and the balance at each point.
Can anyone suggest?
Pls note that these 2 tables are very big(each table contains around 10 million rows)
July 6, 2012 at 3:00 am
Please can you read through the second link in my signature below on posting code and data for the best help.
We would need the DDL of the tables along with any indexes and foreign keys between them, sample data for all tables and your expected outcome.
If you could also post what you have tried so far it would help as well.
July 6, 2012 at 3:18 am
Thanks for the reply.
AddedPoints: CardId INT, TransDate DATETIME, PositivePoints INT
SpentPoints: CardId INT, TransDate DATETIME, NegativePoints INT
Sample Data:
123 2012-01-01 12:24:59 200
123 2012-01-05 10:12:15 100
123 2012-02-15 12:24:59 250
Spent Points:
123 2012-01-04 08:39:59 -100
123 2012-01-10 18:13:15 -200
I want the query to produce resultset like
CardIdTransDate Points TotalPoints
123 2012-01-01 12:24:59 200200
123 2012-01-04 08:39:59 -100100
123 2012-01-05 10:12:15 100200
123 2012-01-10 18:13:15 -2000
123 2012-02-15 12:24:59 250250
Note: non clustered index on CardId on both tables
I tried Cumulative balance but I need to generate RowId and save them in another table.
Then I did cross join to get the cumulative. For a single cardid, its fine
My requirement is not to find balance for a single cardid.
I need to generate a resultset that is to be stored in fact table which shows the history of card points.
I am struck here
July 6, 2012 at 3:43 am
Deleted as misunderstood requirements
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. Mitch Ratcliffe
July 6, 2012 at 4:06 am
Find here my contribution:
Consider creating a temporary with the same structure as you two table table like this ( Just add a column Flag char(1)):
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[myPoints](
[CardId] [int] NULL,
[TransDate] [date] NULL,
[Points] [decimal](10, 2) NULL,
[Flag] [char](1) NULL
The column Flag is used for control only. Merge the date of your two table into myPoints table.
Now execute the following code to see the result:
WITH pivotTable
SELECT CardId, TransDate, [P] as Positive,[N] as Negative
SELECT * FROM myPoints) as s PIVOT (sum(Points) for Flag In ([P],[N])) as t
SELECT *, Positive+Negative as Balance
FROM pivotTable
ORDER BY CardId, TransDate
Note: run the code above as single transaction because pivotTable is a CTE e is needed in the last select statatment.
Best Regards
July 6, 2012 at 4:09 am
Just to add one more thing.
After the merge of the two table, Remember to update the column Flag wint P if the value is Positive and with N if the value is Negative.
update dbo.myPoints
set Flag='P' where Points>=0
update dbo.myPoints
set Flag='N' where Points<0
July 6, 2012 at 4:12 am
For my sample data, the result look like this:
July 6, 2012 at 4:29 am
a2zwd (7/6/2012)
...I am st
ruck here
So are we. If you really want help with this, then take the time to read the forum etiquette article. It shows you how to post DDL and DML so that folks can copy and paste into SSMS and get cracking straight away on a solution. It's the least you can do when folks are offering their time to help you.
We'll need a lot more than 5 rows of sample data - consider maybe 30 or 40 to start with.
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
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