Adding a log shipping monitor

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Adding a log shipping monitor

    Luke C
    MCSE: Data Platform, MCP, MCTS, MCITP - Database Administrator & Database Developer

  • Good one.

  • I created a new thread in the SQL 2008 HA section where I have to look at both primary and secondary/monitor servers to get the information I require. Check here.

    Good article.


    [font="Tahoma"]Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. – Carl Jung.[/font]
  • ok, now that you have a log shipping monitoring server, what can you do with it?

  • Great article!!Thanks for sharing it in a detailed step by step way..

  • Ron, there are several benefits in using a remote log shipping monitor. They include

    1. Centralized monitoring and alerting solution. If you have several instances participating in log shipping throughout your enterprise this would allow you to view the overall health of those instances (provided you setup a remote log shipping monitor :-D).

    2. The transaction log shipping status report on the monitor displays the status of backup, copy and restores for the instances using the monitor (instead of having to look at each primary and secondary instances). Those values listed in red have exceeded their set thresholds and action is needed.

    3. If either the primary or secondary instance goes offline, or SQL Server Agent is stopped, you'll still receive alerts from the remote monitor. For example, if the primary went offline you'd no longer receive alerts when your backup threshold was exceeded.

    For more information take a look at the link below. Thanks for reading!

    Luke C
    MCSE: Data Platform, MCP, MCTS, MCITP - Database Administrator & Database Developer

  • Thanks Luke, so now I finally understand what the monitoring server is for. We currently use SCOM to monitor the LSAlert jobs and create a ticket if the LSAlert job fails. If I setup a monitoring server, what additional information can I monitor? I looked at ms190224 and it does not appears that there is a lot of additional information.

  • Hi,

    I have only primary server and secondary server in my environment and my management want to add the secondary server as monitoring server.

    Can you please guide me how to add the secondary server as monitor server to an existing log shipping setup.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Luke,

    According to the stored procedure for [sp_processlogshippingmonitorprimary] , the @mode usage for :

      @mode tinyint -- 1 = add, 2 = delete, 3 = update

    Is this not right? I'm using your instruction to update an old monitor server to a new one.

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