Locate row with bad data

  • Probably an easy one but I have a table (TABLE A) which is nserting data into another table (TABLE B).

    The data types on the tables are not in sync, I get an error stating that char cannot be converted to money.

    Obviously there is some data in the column which is not a numeric value. Can I simply just use the ISNUMERIC function.

  • Bobby Glover (7/5/2012)

    Probably an easy one but I have a table (TABLE A) which is nserting data into another table (TABLE B).

    The data types on the tables are not in sync, I get an error stating that char cannot be converted to money.

    Obviously there is some data in the column which is not a numeric value. Can I simply just use the ISNUMERIC function.

    Maybe...unfortunately the IsNumeric function is somewhat misleading in its name. To paraphrase Gail, it should be named IsValueSomethingThatCouldPossiblyBeConvertedToAnyOfTheNumericishDataTypes.

    It will return 1 for a lot of values that initially don't make sense.

    For example:

    select ISNUMERIC('1.3E12')

    select ISNUMERIC('$43,123,321.32')

    Both will return 1 but neither appear visually to be valid numbers in their own right.

    To address your issue, you might start with finding those rows where IsNumeric(yourcolumn) = 0. If you have a small number of those you could fix those first and try again.


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  • I found my bad data, they sem ti be prefixed with '£'.

    How do I remove all of these characters from the row.


  • The replace function will do what you need

    UPDATE TableA SET Col1 = REPLACE(Col1,'£','')

  • Bobby Glover (7/5/2012)

    Probably an easy one but I have a table (TABLE A) which is nserting data into another table (TABLE B).

    The data types on the tables are not in sync, I get an error stating that char cannot be converted to money.

    Obviously there is some data in the column which is not a numeric value. Can I simply just use the ISNUMERIC function.

    Hi Bobby

    The folks helping you with this would have a much easier job if you could post the ddl for the two tables (CREATE TABLE...) and some sample data for Table A.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • i see you have identified the non numeric char, not sure how you did it, but here is one way to identify rows that has any none numeric characters

    where PATINDEX('[^0-9]%',collumn)>0

    ***The first step is always the hardest *******

  • Cheers folks, Chris I will post mo. info in future.

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